Chapter Fourteen

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We watched above as they packed up their things, ready for a little hunt. We were about to carry out our plan that Louis devised. Sage was already at the trunk, ready to slid down whenever. Once they were out of sight we gave her the signal and she made her way to the ground. She started replacing everything important with a leaf. The plan was to take away some of their supplies and while they were distracted, attack. "Do you think this will really work?" I asked, still watching out for Sage. "Yea. I hope so. You don't?" Louis asked. I could feel his eyes on me so I turned to look at him. His expression almost looked...hurt. "I don't know...I just feel like we could've done better". "So you have no faith in me?" he asked sitting up. "No! I do, it's just-". I was cut off by a scream.

I looked down and saw Sage trying to run, but grabbed by two arms bigger than her whole body. I was about to scream out for her but it was muffled by a hand. I tried to shake him off of me but that only made his grip tighter. Louis wrapped his other arm around me to stop and we watched as Sage struggled. "Let go of me!" she shouted, but that only made him chuckle. "Why? We just want to play a little game" the holding her chuckled devilishly. "Nate won't hurt you, he just wants to...have a" Garrett said. The biggest one out of the group came forward and cupped Sage's cheek as she struggled. "Nate, why don't you make our little friend comfortable" he said, not takin his eyes away from Sage. it was disgusting, if I wasn't scared they would hurt her the second just one of them went down we would have already won.

They tied her up to a tree across from us and gathered around her. "Why don't you tell us a few things about yourself?" The leader, I guess, asked her, but she kept her mouth shut. That's my girl. "Oh come on, don't be like that. tell us about, oh I don't know, your friends? Do you have any?". Louis' grip on me tightened by the minute. we had to restrain ourselves from doing something stupid that could get Sage in more trouble. "Are they near? Can they help you?" he asked her, making me shift uncomfortably. "Tell them it's alright to come out". Sage just kept staring at him with fear in her eyes. "Tell them!" he screamed, causing her to break out into hysterics.

Garett cut the ropes while Nate brought her to her feet. The leader grabbed her and held a knife to her neck. "Come out now or lose the little girl!" he screamed into the trees. I looked at louis desperately, needing to know what to do, but he just stared back with the same look on his face. "You have 10 seconds!" he screamed again. "Don't do it! Save yoursel-". Her mouth was covered by the hand that was previously holding her mid-section. "TEN!" he called as he started to slowly count down. I started to get up but Louis held me back. "You have to give her up" he whispered into my ear. I looked at him with a look of horror on my face as the tears started streaming.

How could we just let her die like that? She needed us, but I knew why Louis wouldn't let me. It was her time to go and I had to accept that. I watched as she looked around slowly, knowing what was going to happen. She searched around her, takin in her last surroundings. Her eyes scanned over us in the trees. Her soft eyes told me she was ok. I mouthed "I love you" to her just as he got to one. He made a swift movement and she fell for what seemed like forever. The tears fell silently on our faces as we saw her lifeless body laying there. I could see the slight smile on her face, making her still look like the perfect angel she was.

"We'll see you guys soon enough, don't worry" Nate called out, just when an arrow landed through his head.

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