Chapter 2

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Chapter Two


Sam, Brenan, and I stood at the side of the crowded living room, watching all the girls in their short and seductive outfits dance away. We had just arrived, and nothing was really going on yet. Some people were dancing, others were headed off the empty bedrooms, and a couple were starting a game of beer pong. None of this completely took my interest of of yet, so I stood and watched all the girls passing by. Most of them stopped and started to flirt with us, but after a while, the conversations became boring and dull, and they would leave. I wasn't upset about that idea at all actually. I wasn't really in the mood to do anything tonight, all I wanted was to go home and shoot some hoops with my basketball net.

"Okay," Brenan said after taking a quick sip of his beer. "Out of 10, how hot do you think Hayley Thomson is?"

"Six and a half." I replied, looking her over on the dance floor. She was pretty cute, a fiery red head with emerald green eyes and freckles splattered all across her face. She swayed her hips against another guy, who was playing with a strand of her hair. Most days, she would have gotten a higher grade from me, but again, today just wasn't my night.

"Six and a half? More like Seven." Sam interjected.

I smiled to myself, shifting my gaze away from the girl and over towards him. "Well then, why don't you go and talk to her?"

Brenan snickered next to us as Sam shook his head furiously. "There are plenty other girls out there I'd rather talk to, like Claire Camwell."

"Claire?!" I almost choked on my drink, gasping for breath as I sett it down on the table next to me.

Claire Camwell was the most attractive girl at West Minister High, but what most guys didn't understand was that without makeup, she was all the way at the bottom. What really annoyed me about her though, was that she knew she was pretty, and took advantage of that fact 24/7. Every party, she was hooking up with someone different, every week, in a new relationship. I don't understand how everyone could be so dumb and still worship her, even after she breaks their heart.

"Nice choice," Brenan added, giving Sam a pat on the back.

I looked them over questionably. How could these guys be my best friends? We were completely different. I mean, Claire, the slut? Were they really that desperate?

I've known both of them my whole life. Sam's tall, almost 6'5", with shaggy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. All the girls love him...and Brenan, and me, but I always hear them talking about "how blue his eyes are" or "how perfect his hair is". Brenan is 5'10", the shortest out of our group of friends, but scary strong. He had the build of a bull, always ready to punch someone right in the face. His thick, deep brown hair, almost a black, keeps all the girls on him, and his eyes are a light light brown, almost a creme. 

"You guys are crazy." I sighed, feeling sorry for them. "Even if she did hook up with you, she'd leave you the next day. I think it's a worthless cause."

"She wouldn't leave you though, Mike." Sam joked, wiggling his eyebrows. Brenan laughed, grasping his sides for air. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and looking at the floor.

Claire was always all over me. Why? I don't even know. I have an idea that it's from us being friends in Junior High for a little bit, before she blossomed up to be the...outgoing person we all know and love today. All I truly know is that I don't like her back. No, I'm not into using a girl for one night and then leaving her the next. I've heard that's why most girls like me, because I'm not a jerk. Well, that and I'm pretty attractive...

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