Chapter 4

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Chapter Four


Sam barged in through my bedroom door, slamming it shut behind him. I sat in my twirling chair, legs propped up on my desk and computer blasting music. I quickly hit the pause button and brought down my legs, spinning around in the chair to face him.

"What's up, Sam?" I asked coolly, playing with a rubber band ball on my desk.

"Whats up?!" He spat out. "Where the hell did you two go last night, because you obviously weren't in that room?!"

I smiled a little to myself, remembering last night with Emme. Her giggles, her beauty, her precious little smiles that made my heart flutter...I never felt that way around any girl before, ever. Something about her made me feel, alive almost, as if a new part of me wanted to be let free.

"What are you smiling about...?" He questioned, then, his face lighting up. "Mike! How much action?"

I snapped my head up and shook it furiously, cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. "No! God no, we just snuck out the window and got coffee, that's all."

"Any kissing involved?" He made little kissy faces at me, batting his long eyelashes and cupping his hands together to form a heart.

"No," I sighed looking at the floor. "I wish."

"Oooh, Rejection!" He called, running forwards and diving on my bed. It shook, making a creaking noise and then finally settled down. I rolled my eyes, turning back towards my computer and logging onto facebook. Ugh...21 notifications? Why can't people leave me alone? I scrolled through, barely listening to Sam.

"She's beautiful," He rambled, putting his hands behind his head. "She's sweet, funny, adorable, and her legs, man they looked so good in that skirt last night. And don't even get me started on her as-"

I slammed my hand down on my desk, my trophies shaking. "Okay! That's enough!"

"That time of the month, Mike?" he joked, cackling to himself. I groaned, holding my head in between my two hands. Sometimes I wondered how we were best friends.

"Oh yeah..." Sam mumbled to himself, "Didn't she go out with Jeff Campwell for a long time? I think I remember seeing them at all his football games together."

"What? That looser?" I replied. Jeff Campwell, football running-back, had an even worse reputation than our star quarterback. He constantly used girls, passed out at parties, and had what he called 'fun' with them. The guy has always been the biggest douche, ever since Junior High. I almost cringed at the thought of Emme dating a guy like that. She seemed so sweet and innocent, and he just well...wasn't.

Sam nodded, sitting up and kicking off his shoes. "I'm almost positive. Hey, did you get her number by a chance? If you did, I so want it."

"Urgh! I forgot!" I gave myself a mental face palm, taking my black iPhone out of my pocket at the same time. No new messages, that's a surprise.

"Hey," I started, "What happened with Claire? Just wondering."

"Well, when we opened the door and saw you weren't there, she was pissed. Like, really pissed. Then she calmed down after Brenan gave her a few drinks and she went off with him.'

"Of course," I mumbled, getting up out of my chair and pacing around my room. It was Saturday, not even 24 hours since I last saw Emme and I'm already dying to see her again. We didn't even really do anything, either. My whole mind scattered when I just thought about her, unsure of what to do or say.  HOW AND WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!

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