Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"So, you and Michael have been hanging out a lot," Savannah spoke slowly as the two of us walked down the crowded school hallway, making our way to class. "Are you two official now?". 

"No, not yet." I sighed, looking over at her.

"Why not?"

 "I don't really know. I mean, we both like each other and we know it, and he even told me he wants me to be his girlfriend, but he just hasn't asked me out yet. I keep waiting and waiting and-"

"He doesn't."


This whole thing was beginning to make me think. Did he really like me? He definitely acted like he did...but maybe he's lying. What if this was Claire's idea all along, to get me to fall for him and then be crushed. Again.

"Come on Emme," Savannah cooed, giving me a quick side hug. "Stop looking at the negatives for a bit, Tell me, is he a good kisser?"

I nodded shyly, looking at the ground as I tried to hide a smile. Just remembering how his lips felt on my own made me want to fly. Savannah squealed, trying to contain her excitement so she didn't look like a blubbering idiot to passerby's. To bad she didn't succeed in that.

"Em! What else didn't you tell me?"

I chuckled. "Actually, a lot. He's funny, sweet, charming, adorable-"

Of course, in came the Wicked Witch of the West, stirring things up and ruining the friendly moment between Savannah and I, something I feel that we haven't had in such a long time.

"Hey bitches!' Claire barged in between us, putting each of her arms on our shoulders. "What are you talking about?"

I rolled my eyes, continuing to slowly move my metallic ballet flats forward as we all walked together. Couldn't Claire just leave us alone? Why couldn't life be just like old times, with just me and Savannah, the best of friends? I miss that. Now I feel like we barely speak alone.

As per usual, Savannah, the follower, acknowledged her presence. "Hi Claire!" She beamed, welcoming her new best friend into the conversation. "We were just talking about Michael." She wiggled her eyebrows a little bit.

Claire, on the other hand widened her eyes slightly and raised her eyebrows, trying to act somewhat shocked, but cool and collected. "Really now, like what?"

I tensed up. Don't respond, don'r respond, don't respond- Oh please, just don't say anything!

"Well," Savannah moved in a little bit, as if what she was telling was a secret. It was, between me and her and everyone else but Claire. "Emme was informing me about Michael's kissing skills."


Claire looked over at me for a second, locking onto my gaze. When I thought she was going to explode in my face, the complete opposite happened, she laughed. 

"I could have told you that. Trust me, I've had enough experience." 

My heart ached at that comment. Why? I don't know...It just did. Michael said he didn't like Claire, so why would he kiss her? Was I jealous? Yes. Upset? Maybe. Completely confused? Definitely.

"Emme, you and me both know he's playing you. Have you ever seen him have a real girlfriend? I certainly haven't, so why continue on your little fling with him? It's pointless when-"

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