Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


It had been years since I'd ever talked about Eddy, and having all of those memories flood back into my mind all at once was something I couldn't handle. The emotions playing through my body just had to be let out, and the only person their to comfort me was Micky, providing me with a shoulder to cry on. 

He knew me. Everything he said last night was true, every way he thought I felt was truly how I did. Even though I haven't known him for that long...he gets me. Is that weird to say? It probably is, but that's really the only way to describe it. 

I guess you can say Micky has I really good way of reading emotions. He knew how people felt when things happened, when they were lying or telling the truth, and if they were angered, or just plain old annoyed. It's a good and bad trait at the same time, but I actually liked it. It's good not having to tell a person how you really feel, when they already know themselves.

It was 2:15 on Thursday afternoon, the sun beams pouring in through the big glass windows of the biology classroom. Warmth filled my entire body as I sat by the entering light, right next to Micky. His elbow was propped up against the table, chin gently resting in his hand.

His dazzling blue eyes were glued to the front of the classroom, watching Coach Hathaway as he wrote down some guidelines on the chalkboard. His brown locks of hair were swept across his forehead, swooping up slightly the the edges into tiny wings. I just started to notice how perfect he was, with his square jaw, perfect cheekbones, and straight nose, which curled up slightly at the top. 

The corners of his pink, cupid-bow lips twitched at the ends, slowly turning into a smile. His eyes were now flicked over towards me, watching my every movement.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing," He smirked, straightening up in his seat and then slinking back down, placing his arms behind his head, "You're just checking me out...again."

I could feel myself blush, the heat rising to my cheeks. "I am not!"

"Yes, every class Em. No big deal, it's fine." He let out a breath.

"But I don't!" I protested in a loud whisper, "I never stare at you."

"Well then, what were you just doing now?"

"I was just wanted to talk to you," I lied, "But you weren't paying attention."

Micky chuckled, turning towards me and leaning in. Our faces were inches apart, and I could feel his hot breath as it tickled my face.

"What did you want to talk about?" He said in a slightly seductive voice. I gulped, glancing around the room for something to bring up, yet his gaze kept on locking on with mine, pulling me in.

"I...I like your eyes." I stumbled, quickly regretting it.

He curved his lips into a smile, beaming over at me. "I like your eyes too."

Yet again, I blushed, and then I blushed from blushing. He knew what to say, when to say it. basically, he knew how to make me fall for him, which was definitely working.

Looking down at our hands, I noticed our fingers tips were lightly touching, sending a prickly feeling through my own. All I wanted at that moment was to reach over and grab his hand, just caress it in my own and feel loved for once.

I know I'm loved, by my parents, by my friends, but not by a more-than-a-friend...a boyfriend. I wanted that feeling back again. I wanted to know I could have someone to watch my back, and give me hugs and kissed when I'm feeling blue. I wanted to have someone to talk to about everything, and to know that they would hopefully understand, and be there with an encouraging smile and say "I love you".

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