Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve


I sat on Michael's big, brown plush couch in his basement, along with him, Sam, Brenan, and his little brother, Matt. At the end was Brenan, then Sam, then Me, Michael, and Matt. The couch was surpisingly big, and able to fit all of us comfortably. I sunk down low in my position, comfy as ever.

The guys had some reality show on, I'm not sure which one because now, there are thousands out there. Plus, I'm not a fan. However, I didn't want to whine and pout, since Michael was nice enough to invite me over, and forget about the whole conversation I had with him before.

Well, everything except him saying that he's falling for me. That's the one thing that won't leave my mind. 

It could be true. He might actually like me, a lot, like he said he did. Or he didn't, and this was all some kind of sick scheme Claire came up with.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Or, he may think he likes me, but once he gets to truly know me, he'll stop. I can see that too.

Either way, what ever the truth may be, I just want to dream for a bit. I want to pretend that all of this is real, no matter if it is or not, because it is to me. I like Michael.

There. I said it to myself.

I like Michael.

I like him, I like him, I like him.

Next to me, he yawned, and as if we were in one of those cheesy teenage movies, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, letting it rest there. I didn't mind, and to show that, I leaned into him, snuggling up in his side, resting my head gently on his chest. I could feel his heart beat in a melodic tune, like a lullaby, making me want to fall asleep right there.

Instead, I managed to keep my eyes opened. I looked up, watching his handsome face as it was fixed on the television screen. He was perfect looking. A sculpted chin, high cheek bones, a round nose, big, pink cupid bow lips, ocean blue eyes, and shaggy brown hair. I had to resist the temptation to pet it.

His blue eyes flicked down and locked onto my own, a sweet and innocent smile spreading across his gorgeous face. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, mind swirling around with different images, imagining what he was thinking about. Could it be me?

He craned his neck so his lips softly brushed up against my ear, whispering sweet sentences that made my heart race. Terms of endearment, spoken by a boy I hardly know, yet trust. Well, I know him, just not as much as I hoped.

It's been a week. One week and somehow, I feel as if I have fallen for him. Is that possible? Could I really love him so soon?

"You little lovers having fun over there?" Sam smirked, leaning forward from his spot so he could make eye-to-eye contact with the two of us. Michael rolled is eyes, but let out a quick grin, looking down at me.

"Sam, get a girl and then judge." Micky sneered.

"I would," Sam bit his lip before he continued to speak, "but it looks like all the good ones are taken." I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and shot a quick glance his way, watching as he winked.

Sam was attractive. He had stunning bright blue eyes, the ones that seem almost dream like, but not as amazing as Michael's. His hair is a shaggy blonde, with sun kissed highlights. A rounded nose, full pink lips, and heart shaped face complete his look, along with his extreme height. He stood around six and a half feet, towering over everyone.

Brenan, who sat to next to Sam, was also on the good looking side. He had a long face, followed by a sharp, perfect nose, and flawless tan skin. His hair was a deep brown, almost black, and he had very light brown eyes.

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