Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Michael and I sat in the front of his black ford truck, staring out at the empty roads. Everyone seemed to be at home, having a lazy Friday night as we were driving to some unknown destination. He gripped the steering wheel with both of his hands, drumming his thumbs to the low beat of the radio. I slightly turned my head and lifted my chin, investigating him all over like I did every few minutes,

He had shaggy brown hair, swept to the side that fell into his dark navy blue eyes. He had a cute round nose, followed by dimples that showed when he flashed his perfect white smile. His cupid lips were a natural, bright and healthy pink that twitched up at the ends ever so slightly.

I watched as his blue eyes glanced over at me, without moving his head. I quickly ducked my head down and looked at my bare knees, noticing I forgot to shave in one spot. After a few seconds, I looked back over at him, noticing his eyes glued on the road, a smile painted on his sweet lips. Out of no where, he let out a deep and throaty chuckle.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

He continued to laugh, shaking his head and turning towards me just for a second, then going back to the road. "Nothing, It's just that you keep checking me out."

"What?!" I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. "That's not true."

"Are you embarrassed that I caught you staring, because really, it isn't a surprise.I know I'm attractive." He snickered.

I touched my face, feeling the warmth on my fingertips. "I'm not embarrassed, and I wasn't checking you out either."

"What ever you say, love."

I kept quiet after that comment, smiling a little bit to myself at the pet name.

"Aw, You look adorable when you blush." Michael spoke in a baby voice, scrunching up his eyes and pursing his lips. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and sighing.

"Okay, so how much longer are you going to hit on me?"

"Me?" He questioned, shocked. "Me. Hitting on you. That's a funny one."

"Oh." I fumbled with my fingers, looking down at the car matt. So I had thought wrong, and this all had turned awkward. Why would I even think that someone so...perfect, so popular, would even think about liking me? Plain old, normal Emme.

He sighed, taking on hand off the steering wheel and turned off the radio. I looked up, staring at him with my head still slightly bent down.

"I didn't mean it like that." Michael mumbled, looking over at me. "I just meant...well, I don't even know really."

I stayed quiet, waiting for him to say something else...but he didn't. The car became filled with a silent and awkward presence. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, playing with the stitching on the seatbelt that ran across my chest.

He cleared his throat, "How about we start over, as if we just met for the first time."

"And I would randomly be sitting in a strangers car?"


I laughed a little, "Well, I'm Emme."

"And I'm Michael." 

Michael pulled into a parking space on the side of the street, right in front of a row of small storefronts. Some were lit up inside, their warm glow emanating through the windows with names painted on. Many of the buildings were brick, with dark green roofs and shutters. Every one looked the same, except for different signs and decor.

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