Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


 "Alright class," Mrs. White called in her crackly voice as the school bell rang, signaling all the students that school was officially over for the weekend, "Remember, pages 109 through 127 in your textbook are do Monday, no excuses."

Most of the students ignored her, including Brenan and I was we stood up, gathering all of our books and walking out the door. School was finally over. Eighth and Ninth period on B days, as we went by a two day cycle here at West Minister High, were the only two periods I wasn't with Emme. Today, she acted as if everything was alright, like she didn't run off yesterday. Now I knew why.

Saying I would be there for her meant something, that she actually had a person to talk to. Maybe...she couldn't talk about her brother. What if he...

Holy shit no! I can't think things like that...It's not good to make up things like that.

But what if it was true? What if her brother...took advantage of her?

I took a deep breath, clutching on tightly to my books and not paying any attention to Brenan, who was talking non-stop. 

That never happened, I'm over thinking things. She said her brother was a great person...but she could be making that up. She could have thought that what he was doing...was right.

Ah shit!

It took all the power I had in me to stand up straight. It's not true...I'm over thinking things. That would never happen...right? I barely knew her brother! He could have done that! He could be a monster! The world was slightly spinning, my feet barely managing to walk in front of me. I felt as if I left my own body, my spirit looking down at the world.

He hurt her, her fucking hurt her!

"Mike?" Brenan waved his hand in front of my face. "Mike, are you even listening to me?"

Everything snapped back into place, turning back to normal. 

"Huh?" I replied, casually looking over at him.

"I said you can't forget about my party tonight. Everyone's coming...Including Emme." He nudged my shoulder, winking over and over again. He had a sneaking suspicion that I liked her, but only Sam knew the truth.

I did. I really, really did.

"Oh, right." I stumbled, suddenly stopping in the middle of the hallway when Brenan started to snicker.

"Speaking of her..." Brenan motioned his hand to the right of us, guiding my eyes towards Emme. She stood at Iris's locker, laughing together.

Slowly,  I scuffled over, hands deep in my pockets. As I came closer, Emme turned her head and smiled, turning around to face me. I smiled, stopping in front of her.

"Hey," She beamed, fixing her backpack strap on her shoulder.

"Hey," I replied back, noticing the shirt she was wearing. It was a crop top that read 'Free Hugs', along with denim shorts and a weaved belt, and low top grey converse.

I motioned towards her shirt. "Can I have a hug?"

She looked down at her shirt, then began to giggle. Taking a step forwards, she opened her arms, falling into my chest and wrapping her arms around me as much as she could. I did the same, all the anger and frustration from before slowly slipping away.

After a few seconds, when we should of let go, we kept hugging, not wanting to leave each others arms. She felt right, as if she belonged with me, as if we were made for each other.

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