Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


The hallway was dead silent, except for the faint noises of on-going classes that took place all around this huge school building. I stood right in front of Emme's locker as I waited for the last bell of the day to ring, the one that signaled everyone that the school day was now over and we were all free to go home. Luckily for me, I had study hall this period, which meant if I really wanted to, I could leave school early and not come back. Usually I would have, but with Emme coming into my life so recently, I always either stay or return, just so I could see her gorgeous face.

After quickly running home and picking up the package that had just arrived in the mail this afternoon, I'd rushed back to the school, just in time to make it to her locker with minutes to spare. Everything needed to be perfect, each word said without hesitation.

Emme and I's little argument a few days ago had been glued to my mind ever since. All I wanted to do was make her happy, make her mine, make everything perfect , but at the same time, I was hurting her. I kept her guessing and wondering, and worst of all, believing the lies that Claire was now telling her.

I jumped upward slightly as the school bell burst my eardrums. Doors began to open, followed by the loud voices and footsteps of student and staff members, each happy that was weekend was now finally here yet again. Trust me when I say I was too, but this time, I didn't feel like partying, or hanging out with a bunch of people and staying up late. All I really wanted to do was sleep. Rest my mind for a bit and tame my life. Everything was becoming so hectic, with family, friends, and basketball starting in only 3 more weeks.

My eyes scanned the hallways as I searched for Emme, waiting and waiting for her appearance. No where.

Sam rounded the corner, along with Brenan and Chris, another one of our friends. All three were laughing about something just brought up, faces a bright pink. In a second, Sam caught a glimpse of me, smiling and walking over.

"So..." He spoke, holding one of his backpack straps in his hand. "Do you always stalk Emme, or is this the first time?"

"Shut up," I grumbled, rolling my eyes. 

Sam laughed, "Come on, you know I'm just teasing you."

"What ever," I mumbled as I shifted my gaze over towards Brenan and Chris, standing right next to Sam, snickering at his previous comment. Brenan flashed me a quick smile, peering right over my shoulder.

Slowly, I turned around, noticing Emme standing right behind me. Her hair was in loose curls, bangs braided and pinned to the side of her head. She had a thin line of dark brown eyeliner stretching across her top eyelid, thick eyelashes slightly hiding her bright, emerald green, sparkling eyes. Flawless skin turned a light pink at the cheeks as she noticed my eyes looking her over, and she clutched her school books tighter to herself.

Sam gave me a nudge, cackling away with the other guys as they left the two of us alone, finally.

Emme's legs looked perfect and sculpted in her pair of light-wash skinny jeans, followed by her loosely flowing white tank top, and grey cardigan. She lightly kicked her white vans on the ground for a moment, paying all of her attention at them, before she finally looked back up at me and smiled.

"Hey," her voice silently trailed off, "I thought you would have left last period..."

I smiled, leaning against one of the lockers close by. "Usually I would, but you're here, so why leave?"

She blushed, biting her bottom lip and shying away.

"You're even cuter when you blush." I chuckled,  "Just thought I'd tell you that."

The color on her cheeks increased as she tried to hold in her feelings. After looking around at the ground to avoid the future embarrassment of me seeing her face, which I already had, shelooked back up at me.

Emme only smiled. "Why are you acting so sweet and...flirty...?"

"Oh, so I don't always act this way?" I spoke in a low voice as I snaked closer just a tad, reaching and arm over and wrapping it around her waist.

"No..." she giggled.

I took in a deep breath and placed my backpack on the floor, opening it. As I fished through all of my books, I could feel Emme's eyes examining me closely. My hand suddenly clasped onto the small package, and I lifted it up, handing it over to Emme.

She looked down and studied the package before looking back over at me. "What is this?" Her voice raised slightly at the end of her sentence, "M & M's?"

"Read what each says," I Instructed, pointing at each.

Through the clear wrapping, her eyes looked over each tiny pink and purple chocolate candy. Out loud, she read: "Em N Em, be my girl..."

Emme took in a quick breath, eyes still glued on the package, reading it over and over again, just to make sure she wasn't making things up.

"I couldn't fit girlfriend, but I think you get the idea." I spoke softly.

She shot her gaze up, eyes sparkling brighter than ever and smiling wide. "Of course, Michael!" She cheered, throwing herself into my arms and gripping me tight. I let out a sharp breath before hugging her back. We stayed like this before she looked up, overcome with joy.

"This is so adorable!" She cooed, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"So..." I grinned, "Does this mean we're finally official?"

Emme just gushed then, beaming giddily. "Yes," her voice trembled slightly with joy.


I leaned down, pressing my lips against her own and kissing my new girlfriend passionately.


HOLA LOVIES!!!! It's been forever!!!

I hate writers block :(

Sorry it's short! I have new stories out though, and I might be posting a 1D fan fic :D 

Pinkie Promise ~New and Better Edition~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora