Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen


"If you like her so much, then just ask her out already." Sam scolded me as he tossed my basketball back and fourth from one hand to the other. We both stood in my room, pondering on what to do as I explained to him my true feelings for Emme, I didn't really have a choice, since he so rudely interrupted us last night...

I sighed, still standing on top of my skateboard. "It's not that simple. If it was, I'd definitely would have done it already."

"Enlighten me," Sam he joked. "How is it not? It's just..." Sam paused, using his fingers as he counted the amount of words it took to say 'Will you be my girlfriend?'. "Five words."

"I don't know. I feel like I have to make it special, and if I don't, she won't say yes."

He laughed. "It shouldn't matter how you ask her. If she really does like you, which I think she does, she'll say yes no matter what." Sam did have a point. I mean, if she liked me, she'd say yes. It shouldn't matter if I bought her flowers, or have it written on a banner.

"Yeah..." I ruffled up my hair a little bit. "But still. I like her a lot. I want it to mean something. I want it to be, dare I say, cute."

"Cute?!" He almost fell to the ground as he laughed, his face turning a bright red as he gasped for air. "Girls don't like cute, they like sexy, like me." I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's exactly why you have a girlfriend."

"You don't either..." Sam mumbled.

Chuckling I stood up, reaching for my phone. "Not yet I don't". 

Puzzled, he continued to stare at me as I dialed the number I had quickly memorized in the past few days, and brought my phone up to my ear. After three dial tones, the sweet angelic voice I'd been hoping to hear.

"Hello?" Emme answered in a sweet tone.

"Hey!" I replied, excitement running through my body at just the sound of her voice. "I need to ask you something important."

"Sure, ask away."

"Well...I was wondering if you would, you know, like to b-"

Sam grabbed my cell phone out of my hand and brought it to his ear, pushing me away as he extended one arms and pressed it tightly against my chest. I reached my hands out, trying to grab the phone back but he held it out of reach, leaning into the receiver.

"Hey Emme!' Sam cheered obnoxiously. "It's your bestie, Sam. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?  Maybe a movie, or dinner..." An evil smile crawled onto his face, infuriating me.

I launched at him, pinning him to the ground. "You jerk!" I yelled, reaching for the phone. He held it over his head, laughing hysterically when I couldn't reach it. "It's not funny!"

"It's fucking hilarious!" he cackled, shoving my head back. Emme could be faintly heard as we quieted down. Brining the phone back to his face, he smiled at me as he spoke to her. "Okay, well just come over to Mike's house and we can leave from here."

We both paused as she responded on the other line. Of course, only Sam could hear her response, which made it almost unbearable. She's mine. 

"Alright, see you then." Sam beamed, pulling the phone inches away from his face and ending the call, grinning at me. He started to chuckle, sitting up.

"Hate you," I mumbled as I stood up and walked out of my bedroom door, walking over towards the staircase. I heard his footsteps behind me as he tried to catch up with me.

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