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"When did your husband and you part?" The women, jasmine, who's live stream I was doing with asked

"Five years ago" I said

"What was the reason for you breaking up?" She asked and I really couldn't be bothered with all these questions

"We wanted different things, we grew apart. The marriage slowly fell apart without noticing" I said, I was trying my best to hold it together

"Do you miss him?" Jasmine asked and I didn't even want to answer it but I had too

"Of course I do. He was my best friend since I was like two. We grew up together, we told each other everything, we were literally inseparable but it doesn't faze me as much as it did when we first broke up" I smiled and hoped that this interview would end

"Of course with looking into your background, with permission from your manager, we found out that Jackson, who was your husband, was a part of a motorbike club, kinda like Jacob in your story who was in a Gang. Is that why you both parted ways?"

"Because of the club? No, the club was a part of our lives since my birth. The club was basically just friends riding motorbikes, helping out around the community and just being a typical group of guys. We parted because we fell out of love, not because of a club" I laughed, imagine the cheek of people just assuming because I wrote that in a fictional book that it happened "can I also just state my book is complete fiction, nothing in the story is real. Yes I based the two main characters on some of my life but not all of it. It's only chapter 14 where it flashes back to the wedding. That's the only chapter where stuff that happened in real life was wrote. If I wanted to write about my life I would have wrote a biography" I said and I was getting pissed now that people thought the book was based on my life

"So when is your next book signing?" Jasmine asked


"Next time I want you to read the questions before I even go into an interview or anything" I said to Stacey as we walked into my apartment

"Yes, sorry about that. She was a little personal" Stacey said as she kicked off her heels

"Yeah just a bit" I laughed

"While you are still a little annoyed or angry. You got asked by the local book store in charming to do a signing and a few interviews' Stacey said pretty fast

"When?" I asked

"Like two days" she said and her face was scrunching up

"Fine, I'll do it, only because I don't wanna seem like the person who forgets where she came from" I said

Wow, after 25 years saying I would never leave charming, well except college, I left and made something of myself and now I'm going back to a town, that holds so many memories, so much feelings, so much hatred and so much pain. I've been back to charming once since leaving and that was to help my mom move out to New York with me and the boys. I still talk to most the guys but I never see them, I don't think I could. The one person i speak the most to is Chibs. He was the only one who could understand what I was going through when willow passed away. He was hurting as much as me or even more. That's what made him leave the club, he left and he hasn't went back. He blames samcro for the death of his daughter and so do I.

"Can you book flights for Junior, my mom, Michael and I. Whatever you can get. We can leave tomorrow morning, late, hopefully if not tomorrow afternoon please" I smiled to Stacey

"Flights are already booked, done it this morning" she smiled

"You were sure I would go?" I asked

"You've not been home ever, I've known you for over 4 years, I know you miss it a little and just needed some reason to actually go back" Stacey laughed

"I didn't feel the need to go back over those years" I said shrugging my shoulders


Bad chapter I know


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