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That flight was the worst ever. All I did was cry, I felt like it was 5 years ago when I didn't stop crying for about 4 weeks straight. I felt like my heart just got broke all over again. Junior was on Michaels back as we walked to retrieve our luggage. My mom was on the phone to God knows who. I lifted my stare from the ground to look in front of me and that's when my mind snapped back into reality. Why is he here, let me rephrase that, of course my boyfriend is here to pick me up from the airport, like we organised before I left for charming.

"Hey babe, how was the trip. Have you been crying?" He asked as I walked up to him

"Was hard seeing old friends and leaving them behind again" I tried my best to smile

"How was the signing? Also the interview you done a few weeks ago with that youtuber has like 3 millions views, Stacey has been receiving loads of emails" and I honestly didn't want to talk about work at all

"Please, I don't want to talk about work Liam. I just want to collect our luggage, go home, turn off my phone, have a nice relaxing bath and then chill out. I'm to drained right now" I said as he placed my hand in his

"Okay I'm sorry, I just thought you would be excited. I apologise"


Okay when I left my home was not a mess, why is my house a mess. I swear to god if I find out Liam used my apartment to have his poker night I'm going to go right through him. I was to tired already and now instead of a chill night I have to tidy my fucking apartment because some idiot is to lazy to clean up after themselves.

"Did you not clean this place before you left?" Michael asked as he scanned the apartment

"Yes I fucking did. Who the fuck made this mess!" I shouted

"I was at business meetings the full time you were away, I literally slept in my office these past days, cctv proves that" Liam laughed and I didn't find it funny, normally I would but I didn't

"The only other person to have a key is Stacey. I swear to god!" I said as I grabbed the house phone and dialled her number

"Why the fuck is my apartment a mess. I swear if you had a party or anything I'm going to punch you a good few times!" I said as she answered

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I apologise so much, I was supposed to tidy up but got side tracked with emails and everything else. I am so sorry Mia"

"This is coming out your pay, because from just looking over this room, I can see, broken vases, a broken lamp and a ripped cushion. What age are you friends, 16, do yous not have respect?" I asked

"I'm so sorry Mia, I really am" she apologised

"Last warning and I mean it!" And with that I hung up

I was already pissed off and now this to top it all off. How worse can my night get. I literally want to break down and cry but then Liam will ask why I'm crying and I'm not going to tell him about Jax. He doesn't like hearing about him so I don't speak about him, junior doesn't either, well he might start now.

"Okay, I've started to run you a bubble bath. Michael and I will tidy and clear this place up, your mom offered to get juniors school stuff ready for tomorrow. Please just go to the bathroom and shut everything out. Just go chill out and have some you time, because you need it." Liam said

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. I'm actually so lucky to have someone as amazing as Liam in my life. I'm like the worst girlfriend ever and I moan constantly but he never gets angry or annoyed, he doesn't get impatient if I'm always working and he supports every choice I make. He's the most generous and sweetest guy you could ever meet, he's such a sweetheart. I remember we met, it was when like 3 years ago and I was at a business meeting and I left to use the bathroom and stupid me of course walked towards the men's room because I was in desperate need to pee that I didn't concentrate on where I was going so I walked straight into the men's and bumped into Liam. I was mortified and my face was probably as red as a tomato and he found it acceptable to ask me, while I was full blown embarrassed to go or for dinner. I obviously didn't decline and everything went from there. We've been dating for roughly around a year and it's been good.


"Can we talk?" Liam asked as I got under the covers in the bed

"Yeah?" I said more of a question

"So I was speaking to your mom. I noticed how you'd been crying as soon as you stepped off the plane and you just look completely drained. You seen him didn't you?" Liam asked and I saw the hurt in his eyes

"I did" I said as I looked at him

"What happened?" Liam asked

"I saw him at the supermarket the second day we arrived. He then came to Chibs house to see junior and Michael the day after and we argued, well I argued, he didn't. Then I went home, sorry, to his house so we could speak. We spoke about what caused us two to go our separate ways then I spent the afternoon with his mom, who is like my second mom, while he took junior and Michael out. Nothing happened between us. But I'm about to say something that you might not want to hear" I said

"Okay, go on"

"The taxi was outside ready to go to the airport and Jax came to his goodbyes to Junior and Michael. I told him I missed him, that I missed charming. Going back really made me realise how much I love my hometown" I said and I looked at Liam but his face held no emotion

"But you hated it a few days ago" he said with confusion on his face

"I didn't hate it, I never have. I thought I did but it's not charming I hate, it's the bad memories but the good memories over shadow all the bad ones. I grew up in that town, I had my first everything in that town and I didn't even know how much it meant to be to be back until I got onto that plane to come back here." I said and I looked away from Liam

"So do you want to go back and live there?" Liam asked

"I don't know, it's not my decision, it's Juniors. Michael is old enough to do what he likes and he doesn't even need me to be his guardian anymore. I always thought I would love New York that it would be my home but no where will ever be my home, except charming. It's all down to junior"

"I'm just confused are you moving back there because you miss charming or you miss him?" And that one hurt

"I know where I stand with Jax so to go back there for him would be pointless and besides I have you" I smiled

"That doesn't answer my question" Liam said and he looked upset

"I'm not going back to charming for him. I'm going back to be with my friends and family and I'm kinda hoping you'll join me too" I said

"I don't know Mia, I mean, you've worked so hard to get away from there, yet you want to go back? I feel like maybe it's all down to you seeing him" Liam said and I could tell he was hurt

"It's what I want, not because of him or anyone else. If you don't want to support my decision then that's fine" I said as I lay down and turned away from him

"I know how easy it will be to lose you to him" Liam said quietly but I heard him "I just don't want to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me, to a guy who ruined her" and a tear fell down my face



Bet yous never saw that coming. She's got a new boyfriend and it's not Jax :( :( I don't know how I'm gonna cope writing this with a new boyfriend when I ship Jax and Mia so much! Let's see how well this goes.

Do you want to see more of Liam? Do you want Mia to go back to charming to live? Do you want more Michael chapters? More insight on how Liam and Mia met and got together etc? How junior is with Liam? More Jax pov's? What Jax has been doing the last 5 years?

Please comment leave comments to the question I have just asked. It will help me better with my writing!!

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