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Liam kept to this word and came back last night. I woke up with him lying on the couch but what I didn't expect was Trevor to be lying on the other one. I also had a text from Jax saying that those two never showed up to the clubhouse so they've got a lot of explaining to do when they wake up. Trevor definitely has explaining to do because his fiancée won't stop calling and I'm not answering it because she's the kind who will flip her lid if I answer.

I turned on the coffee machine and pulled out three mugs. They two will need coffee because it looks like they both partied hard last night. Lucky for some.

"Can you kill me just now to put me out my misery?" I turned to see Liam walk into the kitchen

"Fun night?" I asked

"From what I remember" Liam said

"I'm a dead man walking" Trevor laughed as he walked into the kitchen looking at his phone

"Yeah, your phone has been ringing non stop. She's a bit obsessive" I laughed as I poured the coffee into the mugs

"Yes she is. She drives me insane to the point I don't want to go home. Did you know I sleep in my office at work most nights because I can't handle her" Trevor said and I didn't know she was that bad "all she talks about is the wedding and shit. I don't even want to get married to her. How can I tell her this?" Trevor asked and Liam looked to the floor

"Just tell her. It's easier to get it off your chest than to pretend to love someone you don't. It will make you feel 10x better once you tell her and it will take a weight load of your shoulder" I smiled as I handed them a mug each

"Is that how you felt last night?" Trevor asked

"You told him, thanks for that. Not so much just made me realise that I wasn't going to hurt him" I said as I gave Liam a death glare

"I was drunk, I tell people everything when I'm drunk" Liam laughed

"Have you heard the whole losing his virginity story, I heard it on our second date" I laughed and Trevor laughed which meant he knew it too

"Yes, well I'm going to go home and tell Adele how I feel, no more lies. I'll give you both a call" Trevor said

"Yeah, do you want a ride?" I asked

"No, I stay like 5 houses down" Trevor laughed

"Okay, good luck" Liam and me said at the same time

He's gonna need it. I mean he's about to break up with his fiancée. He's gonna need all the luck in the world because I bet she's gonna smash a few things and tear into him.

"I kissed Trevor" Liam blurted out as the front door slammed

"You done what?" I asked and I was shocked

My ex boyfriend, who's like one of my best friends has kissed my childhood boyfriend. No this can't be happening. Trevor has been straight all his life? He would tell me if he wasn't

"Did he kiss you back?" I asked

"Yeah" Liam said and now my head was doing over time

"Trevor who is straight, kissed you back. How drunk were yous both last night?" I asked

"I was drunk, too drunk. Hurting from you telling me we were done and I done something stupid. It was one kiss. It shouldn't have happened. I don't think he remembers it. I do remember though Trevor asking my company to help out at charming high, for young kids and jobs so looks like I'll be sticking around for a while" Liam smiled

"That's good, the job helping part. Don't fall for a straight man" I said because I didn't want him getting hurt again

"I won't" Liam said

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