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Charming. A town that still holds as much secrets as it always has. My hometown, the place I grew up loving, to then later dislike in life. A place I've lost family and friends. It still hasn't changed, not one bit, some of the shops have had a few paints jobs but that's about it. Even looking at it from a car window, it's the exact same. I watched Michael in the front seat of the taxi and he looked disgusted. He never wanted to come back here, he always said he wouldn't but I said I would prefer if he came with me to make it easier.

"Mom, is this where you grew up?" Junior asked

"It is, good old charming" I smiled as I looked at him

"Do you think we'll see him?" Junior asked and I knew who he was talking about straight away

"Maybe, I mean charming isn't that big after all"

The taxi stopped at a red light and thats when I heard it. The motorbike. The sound so familiar, yet so strange. I didn't want to look away from my lap but as the sound grew closer I had to see who was riding. I turned my head slowly to the left to see he sleek black bike parked beside the car. I slowly lifted my gaze to the man riding it and I instantly regretted looking. Sitting on the bike with his jeans, his white t-shirt and his white Nike trainers was Jax. He wasn't looking, his stare was at the road ahead. He looked different, he has shaved since the last time I seen him, which was 5 years ago. He had also lost weight in his face, well from what I can see from the side. I saw his head turn slowly and I have never moved my stare so fast. I don't want him to know I'm here, I just can't be bothered with arguing or anything. The light must have turned green because we were driving down the road towards Chibs house. He offered to let us stay with him since he wanted to spend time with us while we were here.

"Is that who I think it is?" Michael asked as he motorbike sped ahead of us

"Yeah" I said


"Wow, haven't you grown up. I remember you being this height" Chibs laughed to Juinor as we walked into his home

"I don't remember you" junior laughed as a joke, he speaks to Chibs all the time on the phone

"Michael, how you been young man? Any new girls on the go?" Chibs asked as we walked into the living room

"Nope, still with Emma" Michael said as he sat on the couch

"Where's your mum?" Chibs asked me

"Said she had to see Gemma. I don't know, she was pretty demanding on not coming here first" I laughed

"Aw well. How's the being famous working out for you?" Chibs asked and I laughed

"I'm not famous, I'm just known due to my writing, it will die down soon enough" I laughed

"Aye aye, you've wrote a great book, you're famous. Do you's want a drink or anything? Beer, tea?" Chibs asked as he stood from the seat

"Beer" Michael and I said at the same time which caused Chibs to laugh

"You seen arsehole yet?" Chibs shouted from the kitchen

"Yeah, just seen him drive by. How has he been keeping?" I called back

"Aye alright, don't see him much, I don't see any of them except Zac and maybe juice from time to time, I think I see Bobby the most" Chibs said as he walked back into the living room with three beers

"How is zac?" I asked as I took a beer from Chibs hand

"Yeah, he's good. He met this girl, she's lovely, he was wary to tell me at first but I can't expect him to be single all his life & willow wouldn't want that either. Well she would probably knock him out but she would want him to be happy" Chibs smiled and I nodded my head

I scanned the room and saw photos everywhere. One wall was covered. I obviously am the most nosey person ever so I got up from my seat to look at the photos. Most were old ones and some from a few years back. The only recent ones were of Junior and William. There was ones from when Willow was born, willow riding her first kids motorbike. A lot of them were of willow and it did make me want to cry because I miss her.

"Zac is due any minute now, with little William" Chibs smiled and on cue the front door opened.

I looked at the entrance and I couldn't believe my eyes. I remember William being a baby, now he's walking and looks so much like willow it's scary.

"Daddy who's this?" William asked zac

"This is Aunty Mia, the women you always talk to on the phone" zac said as William hid behind his leg

"Oh, hi" William smiled as he came away from his hiding spot

"He is willows spitting image. I'm so amazed at how much he looks like her" I smiled

Willow would be so proud of William and she would have been over the moon at how much her son looked like her. She was so excited to be a mom. She had everything ready, I've never seen someone so set and prepared to become a mother but it's what willow wanted. She knew that was her calling. She got two days with William. Two days before she was taken from him. She deserved longer in this world, she deserved to be here watching her child grow up but sadly she got taken to soon. I honestly didn't know how to cope after Willow passed away. I didn't even think I'd survive it at all. I mean I had just lost my dad, then I lost my best friend. The girl who I had known since birth, the girl who I argued with so much but could trust with my life. She might have not been the brightest bulb in the box, she might have been a pain, she might have made me mad most days but she was my best friend.


I want feedback? What do you want the ending to be like? Do you want to see old characters come back? Do you want new characters? I only wanna write what you wanna read, so let me know I'm the comments

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