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I actually forgot how much I loved teaching. I've been back at this job for like 3 days. Today is my first full week back and already I'm so excited. Teaching makes me happy, helping kids learn new things, being a part of the reason they work so hard. I don't know why I ever gave up teaching. I could have done it in New York but I wrote my book instead and that took up all my time.

"Well well, we've got a published author as a teacher now. When did charming high ever get so fancy" I looked at my classroom door to see someone unfamiliar standing in it

"Do I know you?" I asked as I looked at the women and I couldn't see who she was

"Sorry, I'm speaking to you like I know you. I'm Adele, Trevor's fiancé" she smiled as she walked into the classroom

"Oh I'm sorry, that was rude of me. I just haven't seen you before so I was a little confused" I smiled as I held my hand out to shake hers

"I know, it's just I know so much about you that I feel like we're friends" she laughed

"From Trevor? Didn't know he spoke much about me" I said

"No, from Jackson. I mean I don't even need to know what you look like to know who you are. You're exactly how he describes you" she smiled and I hope that was a compliment

"Thanks, I guess" I smiled

"Are you back in charming for good then?" Adele asked

"Yeah I am" I smiled

"Okay, well I'll be off now, got weddings to plan, as well as my own" she laughed

"You're a wedding planner, that's amazing" I smiled hoping this bell would ring because this is a kinda awkward conversation

"Yeah, pretty much only good at organising events so only job I could find use of. Also, I love your book, it's amazing, so detailed and it's wonderful!" Adele said

"Thank you again, see you some other time" I said politely dismissing her

"Yeah, see you soon" she smiled as she walked away

Well that wasn't a conversation I would like to have all the time. Yeah she seems like a lovely women but she seems a little off to me. Maybe I'm just wary of people but I don't think we will get on very much.


Have I ever said having an 8 year old son was draining. I picked him up from Jax's house 10 minutes ago and Junior has done is complain about being hungry. I mean he shouldn't be hungry because he should have ate dinner at his dad's but 'he doesn't like what he makes' which is a lie, he just knew Liam and I were going to the diner for dinner and wanted to come.

"This is the last treat this week. I'm tired of you always getting what you want!" I said as I parked the car outside the diner

"Okay" junior smiled as we all got out the car

This diner is new, wasn't here when I lived here, which is annoying because I would have preferred it to be here. Liam laced his fingers with mine as we made or way inside. Junior sprinted through the doors and to a table before I could even say otherwise. He's like me, he likes his food. We followed him to his chosen table and sat down. It's quite a quiet diner, I thought it would be packed. Hopefully that doesn't mean the food is crap.

"What you thinking of getting?" Liam asked Junior

"Burger and chips and some ice cream afterwards" junior said

"Sounds good, how about you?" Liam asked me

"I'm thinking a burger and chips too, can never go wrong with that" I laughed as I scanned over the menu

"Hi, I'm Brianna and I'll be waitress today, can I get you drinks to start off with" no, no, this can't be happening, not today, not ever

"Three waters please" Liam spoke and I didn't want to look up, I didn't want to see the one person I never want to look at again

"Okay, do you all know what you want to order?" I knew it was her, that fucking pathetic voice made my ears wants to bleed

"Yes, we do but we would like our drinks first" I said as I looked up to see her

Her face dropped. She didn't seem so cheery now, slut. It's like she froze, she looked scared. That's what you get. Stupid idiotic bitch.

"Yeah, I'll be right back with those" and she scrambled away

I looked at liam and junior who looked at me like I had just shot someone. Like my reaction was a bit over board but then again none of them know who she is.

"That was a bit harsh" Liam said

"You don't want to talk about harsh when it comes to her!" I said and I could feel myself getting angry

Even though I was angry, I was so happy too. While I've done good for myself she has still been here. Not to brag or be big headed but I'm so glad I've done better than her. I know people deserve second chances but she has ruined my life from the day she walked into it so I don't even feel pity or even want to forgive her.

"Is that her" Liam asked and he was shocked "she's your complete opposite. Why would anyone down grade to her" Liam laughed and that made me happy

"That's her" I said

"We can leave" Liam said as junior looked us both, clueless

"And look like a coward, no, I'll stay and enjoy my meal with my family" I smiled

No way was I going to let a little bitch like her make me leave. I wasn't going to run away like I did the last time because of her. No way was she having that control over me anymore. All I feel is pity for her. She could have done good with her life and been someone important but she had to run after my husband for far to long and she had to be a whore. I don't even apologise for how I feel towards her because I'm aloud to hate her, I'm aloud to not want to be near her and I'm aloud to speak to her how I like because if it wasn't for her and her slutty pathetic mother then I wouldn't have left charming.


Sorry had to add Brianna in just once. This is the only time you will hear about her in this story. Not even sorry because I hate her.

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