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Jax's PoV

Michael is going to be getting married. I can't believe he would come speak to me about it. I thought he hated me, I thought he never wanted to see me again, yet he came to speak to me. He wanted my advice on what to do and how to do it. I've never been so happy with something. He came to me before anyone and that means the world to me, to know that he confided in me. Yes he mainly came to me to speak about Mia and everything that will happen between us but he still came to me with something so important and that's great.

We mainly spoke about the last five years and how miserable Mia and I have been. I mean I did fuck up, I know I did but that was he old me, I'm a changed man and it may be hard to believe but I am. Michael really made me realise that I can't push Mia away any more, I can't pretend that I don't want to spend the rest of my life with that women because I do. Even though she drives me crazy, even though she moans when I don't clean the bathroom after I shower. She is the only women I ever want to be with, no one else. She's the person I want to scream at me for coming home late after a night out, the person I want to make homemade meals with, the person I want to have countless of children with, the person I want to grow old with and laugh about all the fucked up shit we done when we were younger. She's the only person for me, she always has been and always will be.

"Where's Jax?" I heard someone asked

"In the chapel, what's up?" I heard tigs ask

I stood up from my seat and the doors opened to Mia standing there. She had her hair pulled back and she was in leggings and a scruffy top. She had obviously been cleaning yet she still looked beautiful. She closed the doors and looked at me. I didn't know what was going to happen here.

"Please don't speak, don't say anything, just listen, okay" Mia said as I stood up

"Okay" I said as I sat back down

"Over 15 years, 15 long years I've had this crazy thing for this annoying, pain in the ass. Ive married this asshole and divorced him, yet for some reason I can't stop loving him. Jackson, I'm in love with you. I always have been and I think I always will be. You're my happy place, you're my best friend, you're my soul mate and you're my person. I hate being away from you, I hate even the thought of you with another women, I hate thinking of us not growing old together. You make me crazy, you make me mad but you make me happy, when you want to. I want to be with you, everyday for the rest of my life" she said and I smiled

"Okay, am I aloud to say something now?" I asked as I stood up and Mia nodded her head

"There's this girl, who I fell in love with all these years ago. I noticed when she was dancing around the living room in her underwear with an ugly friends shirt on, ever since that day I knew I'd be screwed. I'm still crazy in love with you. These past five years have been torture, watching you through a tv screen, seeing you accomplish everything I hoped you would but not being by your side. I wish I didn't fuck up so I could have been there with you but I did fuck up, a lot, yet you still forgave me and I don't know why. I love that everything we've been through, you still choose me, you always have chose me. Mia Troy, you're my other half, you make me sane and I'm in love with everything about you. I don't want to spend another minute away from you" I smiled

"Are we crazy?" Mia asked as I moved closer to her

"Haven't we always been?" I laughed as I placed my hands on her hips

I wasn't waiting for her to answer so I placed my lips on hers and there it was. The feeling that never goes away, the feeling of pure love. The feeling I only get when I kiss her. I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"Mia, will you marry me?" I asked

"Yes" she smiled

I pulled her into a hug and I've never been happier. No more feeling sorry for myself, no more mopping about because I have the women of my dreams standing in front of me, saying she'll marry me again even after all the fucked up shit I have done. She's still in love with me. I can promise that I'm not going to do anything to lose this some again, I'm don't even want to think about if I ever lost her again. I'm going to be the better husband this time and I'm going to prove to her and myself that I'm in this for the long run and I'm not going anywhere.

"I'm sorry I left without letting you explain, I'm sorry I didn't answer any phone calls when you needed me. I'm sorry I left you to the breaking point that you didn't want to live. Just promise me, you'll never get to that point again" Mia said and I didn't know she knew about that

"As long as you promise to never leave my stupid ass again" I said

"I promise" she said

"Let's not tell anyone about is getting remarried until Michael has got an answer from Emma" I said


Mia and I stood in front of everyone in the club house. Everyone of our closest friends are sat here and looking at us two like we are crazy. Yet we are crazy, everyone in this damn place is crazy. It runs in our blood. We are all one crazy ass family, who all hold each other down.

"Mia and I have decided we are going to start again" I said and everyone cheered

"About time!" Mias mom laughed as she moved to hug me

"Are you going to live with us now?" Junior asked me as he ran to me

"Yes I am" I smiled as I picked him up

"Also, Michael and Emma have some news" Mia said so everyone would quiet down

"Emma and I are getting married, she said yes!" Michael shouted and he was over the moon, you could see it in his face

This is the happy I want to be the rest of my life. I have my amazing wife to be by my side, my sons are happy, my family is back together. What more could a guy ask for. I'm madly in love with an incredible women who loves me back. Looks like I'll be getting a happy ending after all.



They got back together ! I've never been so happy to write a chapter ever. Michael is getting married, Mia and Jax are together. This is exactly how I wanted my story to end.

Epilogue will be up soon!!

Thank you all for the love and support and also a major thanks to @c_brienza who has been the most supportive person of the sequel! I had to give her a shout out because she's been helping write this story with a lot of comments and she's been giving me feedback all the time so thank you so much, I love you for your support !!

Life after samcroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें