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I don't even know why I agreed to even meet Jax. He's gonna use some lame ass excuse and I'm gonna leave with nothing but more unanswered questions. I mean I'm being nice and letting him explain himself, even if it's a daft reason. I decided to walk from Tigs to my old home since it wasn't far and I needed some air before I went to the house.

I haven't been in that house since the day I left. I remember packing what we needed and driving off. I didn't even look around the house or even take my time. I just packed bags the quickest I could and left. I think there was so much adrenaline running through my body that I just had to leave. If I stayed to even take a second look I don't know if I would have left. If I took a second look around that house I wouldn't have drove off to my moms and booked flights to New York City.

I turned the corner and straight away I saw the house. It was so different, the front garden was ruined, the plants were dead, there was litter everywhere. The house definitely needed painted. This house used to look like a welcoming home, now it doesn't even look appealing to even step foot in. I walked up to the house and stood in front of it. Wow, how time has changed. I slowly walked up the path to the front door and knocked. I could just walk in but it would feel to weird. The door opened and Jax stood there, holding a mug of what smelt like coffee.

"Come in" he said as he moved out the way so I could walk into the house

I walked in and the inside looked so much different than the outside. It was clean, it smelt lovely, everything was in order. I looked around as I walked further into the house and it was the same from before I left. I don't think he has changed one thing. The same pictures are still on the wall. The ornaments are still in the same place in the entrance way. The flooring is still the same, as well as that white rug, that is somehow still white.

"It's the exact same" I said out loud

"Eh, I didn't change it, in case you came back. Do you want a drink or anything?" He asked

"Coffee, please" I wish I could ask for wine but I don't think that's acceptable at 11am

I followed Jax through to the kitchen & it was the exact same, maybe with a few adjustments but everything looked the same. I sat at the table while Jax put the coffee machine on. All the furniture in here is the same too, this table is the table I picked when I was pregnant, I hated it so much after I had junior, I still fucking hate it now. The oak is horrible and it doesn't go in the kitchen. The fridge is different, I mean you have to change your fridge every now and then, the new one is nicer and bigger.

"So how's Gemma been?" I asked

"Yeah, she's been good" Jax said and it felt like he was hiding something but I didn't know what and I didn't want to ask

"I've not spoke to her in a while, I call but she doesn't answer, she only texts" I said as I tapped the table

"She doesn't call anyone anymore, or speak to them. Only text messages" Jax said as he poured the coffee

"Why?" I asked

"It's easier to explain it all from the start" Jax said as he handed me the mug

"Okay, start please" I said as he sat down, he looked a little scared to tell me, which meant it wouldn't the a nice story. Great, how unusual, Jackson teller has a drama story.

"It was like a few months before you found me at that motel with her. I was making my way to Las Vegas to meet with a few guys when I saw her, no not Brianna." He obviously noticed my reaction when he said he saw her. "Tiffany. I stopped at the gas station, I don't even remember what for but I saw her, leaning against someones bike. As I parked my bike she walked over to me, in which I couldn't be fucked with her. She came over all smiling. She asked about you and the kids, how your dad was. Then that's when it got weird. She started saying how I treated Brianna and how she didn't deserve it, but I didn't give a shit about Brianna because I was married to you. She then threatened me because I was being my usual arsehole self, she said if I didn't give Brianna a chance that there would be consequences. I told her to fuck off and I didn't believe her threats, I mean she was just a stupid slut. Then your father passed away, I'm not saying she has anything to do with it as I know it was suicide but it was strange how I didn't listen to her threats then someone close to me was gone. She then managed to get my number and text saying 'hope you're happy', I didn't know what she meant until I saw her, then she said it was my fault your dad was gone. I was as confused as ever, then she said I better start taking Brianna out on dates and spending time with her or someone else I love would be gone. I didn't want to take that risk of losing you, junior or even Michael so I done it. It was stupid, I know but what's done is done. She then told me to stop giving you affection or your mum, Rhonda, would be gone. I couldn't bare to see you everyday and pretend I didn't love you, it killed me inside Mia, everyday I saw you slowly leave, you were there but you weren't. I destroyed your soul. Then I called it all off with Brianna, I didn't want to see you hurting anymore and not be there for you. That's when the plan I made all went wrong, the plan that lost us, our two best friends. Then I knew Tiffany's threats were so real and she wasn't fucking around. I'm so sorry I didn't do anything to stop her, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry I was an asshole husband to you. After you left I called it off, I had nothing left saving, most the club hated me, you were gone, my sons didn't want to see me, I had no one and nothing left to live for. I can't blame her for everything, I take full responsibility for everything that happened. She was an evil bitch, she wouldn't have stopped" Jax said

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