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Mias PoV

I never done good with job interviews but you would think after doing so many interviews for my book id be fine with it by now but nope, I'm still nervous. I mean this school is where I started, this is where I found my love for reading and writing when I was younger. Over 15 years ago I walked through the doors of charming high, with little expectation because Jax and Opie made it seem like a hell hole. I remember my first day of high school, I walked in with my friend Sarah at the time and the first 10 minutes, Jax ruined my hair, Opie made me drop my books. It made me not want to go back and it made them get 10x the amount of chores at the club. They never annoyed me in school after that. No one really did.

"Mia Troy" I lifted my head from signing in to see Trevor leaning against the door frame

"Oh my god. Look at you Mr principal" I laughed as I made my way to him

"I know, who would have thought" he laughed as we hugged

"You've done amazing for yourself" I smiled as he let me into his office

"So have you, I mean come on, you're a published author. That's incredible" Trevor said as I took a seat in front of his desk and he moved behind it

"You can thank Jax for that one" I laughed and he laughed with me, which meant he knew the book was based on the club and Jax

"Yeah, I've read it a good few times. I did want to make it one of the books to read in senior year then to write an essay but decided not to " Trevor laughed

"Yeah, don't think a book about a gang is appropriate" I laughed

"Anyway, I'm not going to interview you, I know how hard you work and I know you'll make an amazing English teacher so the position is yours if you want it?" Trevor asked

"Oh my god, yes. Thank you so much" I smiled hugely, I know it's a perk a bit, being his friend and all but oh well

"Can you start tomorrow? I know it's half way through the week but better now than never" Trevor said as he handed me over some paper work

"Tomorrow is perfect. I will fill all this out at home and hand it in to you tomorrow. I would stay and chat but I have to be at the house this morning as the plumber is coming to fix the main bathrooms faucets. I would also really like to catch up and maybe meet that fiancée of yours at some point" I smiled as I stood from my seat

"I can do this weekend, Adele is back from her vacation with her parents, dinner at my place, next Friday, say about 8. Bring junior and Michael too if he is still about" Trevor said as he stood up and walked out the office with me

"Michael is still in New York at the moment, he's close to graduation and currently doing finals so I doubt I'll see him for three weeks but I'll let him know you were asking for him" I said as I signed out of the visitors book

"That's great. Yeah let him know, so I'll see you tomorrow" Trevor smiled

"See you tomorrow" I said as I gave him a quick hug


Moving house is a pain. I forgot how much hard work and how annoying it was. All the stress that gets out on you. I mean everything is moved in and everything is liveable but it's all the paperwork, the new bills, the maintenance. This is why I hate being single, newly single really. Well Liam didn't really live with me, he only stayed over most nights.

"Trust you to buy the most fanciest house in charming" I looked at my open front door to see Chibs standing there

"You're just jealous I got it before you" I laughed as I fixed the picture hanging on the wall

"It's a decent house Mia, you've done good for yourself" he said as he hugged me

"Thank you" I smiled as I hugged him back

"Your dad would be proud of you and how well you have done" Chibs smiled as he pulled away

"Yeah he would. Do you miss him?" I asked as we walked through to the kitchen

"Aye of course. Your dad was the first person I met when I came to charming. Aye he punched me the first time but we became such good friends after that" Chibs laughed as I turned the kettle on

"A story even junior knows" I laughed as I searched through the cupboards for some mugs

"And wee William. He loves that story" Chibs laughed as he sat on the table

"Who doesn't love that story, I mean it's a story  Jax, willow, Opie and I lived for. Like I mean you grabbed my moms ass, pulled my dads chair away from him and drank his drink. You were totally asking for it" I laughed thinking of how many times we all spoke of that story, it's not that funny to other people but it's a story that will never get old

"Your dad loved telling everyone it, think he was just happy he got me on my arse. Even though it wasn't the only time" Chibs said

"Nope, you got some good hits into him too" I said as I poured the hot water into the cups

"So did you get the job then? I'm assuming you did because that Trevor used to fancy the pants off you" Chibs laughed as I handed him his coffee

"Yes I got the job and he's engaged you moron" I laughed as I sat at the table

"Taking about engaged or relationships, why did I only find out like yesterday that you've got a boyfriend in New York? Why's he not here with you and who is he" Chibs asked and he seemed a bit confused

"He's a guy I met a few years ago at a meeting when I was talking about publishing my book. His name is Liam and we are kinda on a break right now because I moved back here" I said hoping he wouldn't ask anything further

"Basically he doesn't want to move here? But why would he throw you away because of that. I'm gonna give him a right good slap if I ever meet him" Chibs said and he was serious

"He isn't sure, he's a city born boy, he's never been anywhere except the big cities of the world. He's not a small town guy" I said hoping he would end the conversation

"But people would do anything for someone they love, that's if he loves you" Chibs said

"Yeah" I said

I never really spoke about love with Liam. Yeah I know he means the world to me but no one had ever used 'I love you' ever. It's weird to be with someone but not know. I know I have deep feelings for him but I don't know if I love him, I'm not sure about it all. I guess I'm just scared of love, scared of all that comes with it again. I know that I would never do anything to hurt him and vice versa. I'm so confused with the whole thing, it's a position I didn't think I would ever be in again.


So Mia is right back to where she started over 8 years ago. Teaching in charming.

Do you think liam will come to charming? Do you think Mia loves Liam ?

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