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Who even agrees to have people over for dinner . Me, that's who. I decided too invite Trevor and his fiancé over for dinner tonight and junior invited Jax, which I felt bad for him having to come without a date so I invited juice along. I know he doesn't make up for a women but it's the best option.

I'm so nervous, I've been prepping in the kitchen since I finished work, even though Liam started before I finished, I still had to make my nerves drop a little. I mean Jax is coming to dinner with my boyfriend and me. He's going to see us together and I don't know how he will handle that or me. I couldn't tell junior not to invite him because we are supposed to be adults and friends so I'm gonna have to deal with it.

"Go get ready, I'll handle the food" Liam said as he walked into the kitchen

"Okay. Tonight, please can you be civil, no rubbing it in his face please" I said as I placed the spoon in the sink

"I wouldn't do it anyway, I'm not that type of guy" Liam said and he seemed a little offended

"I know, I just don't want any arguments or anything, especially not in front of Junior" I said as I placed a kiss on his cheek and left the room

All I have to do is change my clothes. It's not like we are going out for a meal so I don't have to get glam so I'll just stick to jeans and a nice top, can never go wrong with that.

I just hope everything runs smoothly tonight, no one argues, no ones bickers or anything. Just a nice meal, with family and friends and then they go home happy and with a filled stomach. Then again, I've got the shittiest luck in the world so that probably won't happen.

"Babe, Trevor and Adele are here" I heard Liam shout

Great, I'm the hostess and I'm not even there to greet my guests. Good one Mia. I quickly jumped into my jeans and grabbed a top that was hanging up, thankfully I ironed it last night and now I'm gonna have to find something else to wear for work tomorrow. I made my way out my room and downstairs to the kitchen where I knew everyone would be.

"Hey" I said as I wandered in

"Hey, thanks for having us. We gave Liam a bottle of wine. Hope you still like red" Trevor smiled

"I love wine, can't lie about that" I laughed as Liam handed Adele a glass of wine

"Your home is lovely, very big" Adele said as she scanned over the kitchen

"I've always had a thing for big houses, it's a downfall. Also the inside of the house is down to our friend Adrian, who happens to be one of the best interior designers in New York" I smiled

"She says friend, I say brother" Liam laughed

"So are you into design or do you do something different?" Trevor asked

"No, design wasn't my strong suit. I'm an entrepreneur, I own a few businesses over America that help find young kids jobs, so far we have helped over 30,000 young kids from 16 to 20 find a job. Enough about me, you're a principal, now that's a great job" Liam said to try start a conversation with Trevor

I was so thankful that Liam was that confident, I knew he would get on with Trevor and they would be friends. I'm not so much sure about Adele and me though, she seems like someone who wants to be really close to someone quickly.

"So Mia, are you planning on writing another book?" Adele asked while Liam and Trevor were stuck in conversation

"I don't think so but then again, I don't know. I enjoyed writing my first book so you never know I might write another one 10 years down the line. How's the wedding planning going?" I asked

"Would be so much better if this man here would be a little more helpful with some things" Adele said as she smacked Trevor's arm to pull him away from the conversation with Liam

"Yeah I'm as helpful as I can be" Trevor said as he turned back around

Something weird is definitely going on between Adele and Trevor. No newly engaged couple act like these two. I mean when Jax asked me to marry him I couldn't keep my hands off him for ages and I was so happy. Trevor doesn't seem that happy about it all.

"I brought the beer" I heard juice's voice shout through the house

"Mom, juice brought us beer" junior laughed as he came into the kitchen with juice and Jax

"No beer for you, you're to young" I laughed as juice placed the beer on the counter

I gave juice a quick hug and Jax too. I wanted it to last longer, I really did but it can't. I pulled away and looked at Jax and he gave me a small smile. I knew tonight would be hard for him, it's going to be hard for me but we have to get used to these things.


The night went quite smoothly, no arguments, no awkward conversations. It was really good. I was so amazed that Liam got along with Jax and they actually laughed. They didn't even growl at one another which is amazing.

"What's up with Trevor and Adele?" I asked Jax as we cleared up the dishes

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I mean like every time Adele mentioned the wedding Trevor changed the subject. He doesn't seem as excited as you would think" I laughed as I put the dishes into the cupboards

"That's because he didn't ask Adele to marry him, she asked him. Mia, they've been dating like over a year, he just couldn't say no and lose her" Jax said and I was shocked

I never thought Trevor would do that. Be with someone because he felt he had to. I've known Trevor a long time and I didn't think he would ever put himself in a position that made him unhappy.

"She asked him? That kinda makes sense with her being all crazy about this wedding then" I laughed

"Yeah, she's so into this wedding and he really isn't but he's to nice to tell her. He does love her but I don't think he loves her enough" Jax said as we finished clearing up

"Wow, when did you become so wise" I laughed

"Better say thanks to yourself for that, you made me this way" Jax smiled

I made him this way? Does he mean me leaving changed him for the better? That's a confusing thing. Normally someone leaving breaks a person but I think me leaving made Jax a better person, is that possible?

"Hey babe, junior is in bed. He's out cold" Liam said walking into the kitchen

"Well thanks again for having me. Was a good night, should do it again sometime, maybe my place" Jax said as he looked Liam

"Yeah, was great. Good to finally meet you too" Liam said

"Yeah, well I'll see you tomorrow then. Have a goodnight" Jax smiled

He made his own way out. I couldn't follow him, if I did I would hug him and i don't know if I would let go. Am I a horrible person for still loving him while Im with Liam. I mean of course I am. I'm supposed to be focusing on Liam but all I can think about is Jax holding me in his arms. Some girlfriend I am.

"Let's get to sleep. You've got work tomorrow" Liam said as he laced his fingers in mine

Double update because I'm feeling nice !!

Ugh Liam please just leave so Jax and Mia can be together. I feel like he's the only thing standing in the way.

I've also got the biggest twist coming up in the next few chapters and you're all gonna be so shocked. It's gonna be crazy.

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