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I don't know why I'm nervous, I mean of course I know why I'm nervous. I'm getting to spend the day with my sons and spend some time with my ex wife. I haven't seen junior in 5 years  or Michael, I have spoke to Michael on the phone but it's gonna be so weird to see how much he's grown, the same with Junior. Last time i saw him in person was when he was 3. He was constantly talking, always running around, making a mess. He was an amazing kid and I'm so upset I missed out on so much but I can't blame anyone except myself.

"Do you want me to come?" Juice asked as I pulled on my jumper

"I'll be okay, if you want to maybe come to see Mia and Rhonda then yeah tag along" I knew he only asked because if someone bad happens I'll need someone on my side

"Yeah I'll just tag along" juice said as he followed me outside to my car

I don't ride my bike as much now, maybe once a month or twice. After Mia left I kinda gave up riding, it didn't feel right and every time I sat on that damn bike I remembered all the times she would've been on the back, laughing or squealing when I turned a corner. I just couldn't be on a bike all the time so it gets locked in the garage until I buck up the courage to go out on it. I also bought my first car. Which got wrecked so I'm now in my 3rd car since she left. I still have the car I bought for her, the white Nissan, it's still in the garage at home. Along with her some of her clothes hanging up. I didn't really change anything when she left, I can't because then it means she's gone for good. I like to think if I leave her stuff at the house that maybe, just maybe one day, she'll come back.

Eventually after a quick drive we were outside Chibs house. I didn't notice any other car in the driveway so are they in or did they get a taxi from the airport? I got out the car and made my way to the front door. Normally I would have just walked in, if it was 2 years ago but Chibs and I don't talk much anymore. I stood at the front door and knocked. I started to feel my hands sweating and I was getting so nervous again. I was about to walk away when the door opened and there stood Michael. Well hasn't he grown up.

"Em hi" he said as he opened the door more for me to come in "Chibs and Rhonda are out back" Michael said to juice as we walked into the house

I followed Michael to the living room and stopped in my tracks when I saw Junior. God he's changed so much. He's taller, he's got more hair, he's put more weight on. I slowly made my way towards him and before I knew it he ran to me and wrapped his arms around me. I fell to my knees and pulled him into my embrace. This is what I'm missing out on. Hugs form my own son. I didn't want to let him go, I didn't want for this to ever end. I looked up to see Mia, watching us. She looked so good, she was wearing black jeans and a blue top, she didn't have any shoes on. Her hair was blonder and shorter, she looked so fucking good. I don't think I've ever seen her look so good.

"Do you want a beer or anything?" I heard Michael ask

"Em no, I don't drink anymore" I said as I stood up, lifting junior with me

"Okay, water or coffee?" Michael asked

"Coffee" I said

"Usual for me" Mia said

"I've missed you dad" Junior said as I sat down on the couch and placed him beside me

"I've missed you too. You don't understand how much I've missed you. I'm sorry I don't come and visit and I've been a terrible dad but I'm gonna make it up to you. I promise" I said

"Don't make promises you can't keep" Junior said and I was a little taken back

"I will keep this one" I said defending myself, trying to prove I have changed

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