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A week has passed since I've spoke to Trevor and found out who he really is. I haven't spoke to Jax, I haven't told him that Liam and me aren't together. I just can't bring myself to speak to him yet. I don't know why, I think it's because I'm scared he'll reject me again and I really don't want that.

I was currently cleaning the house because junior had a play date last night which involved 6 kids coming over and wrecking his bedroom and the play room and the kitchen, by the time they all went home, I was knackered so I left the cleaning until this morning, which was a bad idea because 3 hours later and I'm nearly finished. I made my way out to the hall to hoover it to see the front door open. I didn't leave that open. Oh shit, someone better not be in my house trying to rob me. I turned to look at the stairs to see Michael standing there.

"Oh my god" I smiled as I ran to hug him

Michael is one of the best things to happen to me. He might not be my son by blood but he's my family. He might be a few years younger than me but I will always see him as my son. The annoying one who is always right and always tells me the truth.

"I missed you so much" I cried into his shoulder

"I missed you too" he said as he hugged me tighter

"Have your finished finals? How did everything go?" I asked as we pulled away and I wiped my eyes

"Everything went great I think. I'm sure I done great. How's everything here?" He asked

"Good, Liam and I are no longer together. Junior has been his usual self" I smiled as we made our way to the living room

"Aw I liked him too but you can't be with someone you don't love" Michael said

"No, you can't. How's Emma?" I asked

"She's great, she will be here tomorrow. That's why I'm here really, I have just came from speaking to her parents and I wanted to speak to you and Jax too. I'm going to ask Emma to marry me" Michael said with a huge smile on his face and I was so happy

"That's amazing, wow" I said, I was speechless

"I know we are young but I love her, I love her so much. She's my everything, she's my person" yeah we both got this because we binge watched greys anatomy together

"She's your person, she always has been" I smiled

I can't believe it, Michael getting married. His parents would be so proud of him and the man he has become.

"You're mom and dad would be so happy for you. They would also be so proud of you, you've done amazing. You will continue to do amazing" I smiled

"I know they would but I've also got my other parents who are proud of me and tell me every chance they get" Michael laughed, which is true, I think I tell him this all the time

"Sorry, I'm an emotional mom" I laughed

"Anyway, what's going to happen now? Are you and Jax gonna get back together ?" Michael asked

"Ive not spoke to him in a week, I want to but I'm scared he's gonna reject me again" I said

"No, he'd be crazy to do that. Beside, I just saw him, we had a long hard talk and I think you should go speak to him" Michael smiled

"So really my mom phoned you to ask you to come out here but you were coming anyway, then you went to see Jax first then came to me. I've taught you well" I laughed

"Pretty much. I'll pick junior up from school and take him for dinner and catch up with the guys. Go see him before its to late" Michael smiled

"Okay, I'll just go get ready" I said

"No, you look fine, get in that car and drive to the clubhouse, go see him" Michele ordered

"Okay, okay, I'm going. Promise you'll be here when I get back?" I asked

"Well I'll be sleeping in the spare room until i leave for my job" Michael laughed

"Thanks, I love you so much" I said as I hugged him

"I love you too, now go" he said as he stood up and shoved me towards the door

This was it. I'm going to ask Jax to get back together. I'm going to ask the man I love to be with me. The past five years felt like they didn't exist because all that time I spent hoping I'd never see him again was replaced by how much I'm in love with him and how I wanna grow old with him.

For once I'm not scared that he will shoot me down, I'm not scared of what will happen in the future. I know he is the man I want, he always has been since I can remember. I've spent five years without him and it's been hell, although I done good for myself, I would have preferred Jax to been by my side through it all and sharing my success with me. I'm so ready to be with him, even after all the fucked up stuff that happened. We both love each other to much to not try again. We have to much history and once you have that history with someone, you can't move onto anyone else because you're always gonna compare them to the last person and that's what I done with Liam. I constantly compared him to Jax and I hated myself for it but I couldn't help wish that every time we slept at night, that it was Jax laying beside me and not Liam.


Short chapter, I know, I'm sorry. I apologise but the next chapter will be the best and the last. I'm sorry.

Since you all know the ending is coming up I thought I'd post the last two chapters tonight & the epilogue on Monday.

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