Alone Time

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~Abbey ♡

You'd been laying in your bed for about 30 minutes now just thinking about Castiel. He was so sweet and innocent and you really wanted to see him again. You would've prayed to him but you weren't sure what you'd tell him so you just kept quiet. Eventually, you fell asleep. 


~Time skip to the next day~ 


The next day in the bunker's library, the Winchesters were joking about random things when Cas appeared. "Oh hey Cas. How'd it go?" Dean asked. "It was successful and Metatron is back in jail." He replied. "Good." Sam said, relieved. Dean cleared his throat after a moment. "Heya Cas.. so (y/n) likes you she's got this major almighty crush on you. Yeah just lettin' ya know." Dean and Sam couldn't help but laugh at Castiel's quick change in expression. The angel blushed deeply not sure as to what his next move should be. "She likes me..?" Though Cas would never admit it to the Winchesters, he'd been having feelings about you as well. "W-what should I do?!" He asked frantically. Dean stood up, placing a hand on Cas's shoulder. "Well first of all calm down. Second of all I'd go talk to her just bring it up in something I'm sure she'll understand." Dean smiled and tried to comfort Castiel as best he could. "Go get em' tiger." 


Cas was extremely nervous and was doing everything he could to keep himself from absolutely freaking out. He was just two doors down from your room and he was seriously considering just flying away from this whole thing, but he knew he couldn't do that, not now. Taking a deep breath, he gently knocked on your door. "(Y/n)? Can I come in..? It's Castiel." 

You'd just woken about an hour and a half before, still thinking about Castiel. You were slightly startled upon hearing the soft knocking and the angel's adorable, gravelly voice, but you just couldn't resist. Blushing and smiling, you walked to your door clicking it open silently. You looked up at Cas and you could tell he was nervous. You were too but you were trying to keep your cool. "H-hey Cas." 'Dammit..' you thought. 'I've already screwed up...' You ran your fingers through your hair. "Come on in" you stepped aside letting Castiel enter. "Hi (y/n)..uh I was wondering if we could talk..?" You sat on your bed and patted the spot next to you signaling for him to sit. He didn't really understand so you grabbed his hand and pulled him down smiling as you did. "So what do you wanna talk to me about?" 

Castiel gulped. "Uhh.. well I have uhm.. liked you ever since we met...and Dean um he told me about you having a crush on me..?" You instantly turned red upon the mention of Dean's name. "Oh..uhh..well..." Cas squinted at you. "Do you have feelings for me...?" You gulped. "Uhhh.." You felt slightly intimidated under his glare. "C-cas..." You looked away but found yourself looking right back. Castiel continued staring you down, his eyes piercing into you, waiting for your answer. "Nnn..Yes! Okay yes!! I have feelings for you! I have ever since we met!!!" You wrapped Cas in your arms and hugged him close. He was shocked but he loved it. He was glad you felt the same things he did. Then, he pulled back, looking you straight in the eyes. Without warning, the angel crashed his slightly chapped lips against your smooth ones, which surprised you at first but soon you melted into his warmth and embrace, enjoying every second of this moment. 

After a moment, Castiel pulled away, smiling at you. You smiled back at him and wrapped him into another tight hug. "Cas...I-I think I love you.." you mumbled into his trench coat, then fixed your mistake. "No..I do love you. Definitely." He stroked your head gently. "I love you too (y/n).." Smiling, you only embraced him tighter. 

Pulling away from him reluctantly, you laid down in your bed and patted the spot next to you, motioning for him to lay next to you. He understood this time and joined you eagerly then put his arm around you lovingly. You, in turn, grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it tightly then snuggled close against him. Cas kept his electric blue eyes on you as you intertwined each others' fingers and soon you'd fallen asleep under the watchful eyes of an angel. A very special angel.  

Blue Eyes, Black Wings ((Castiel x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now