Bunker Mates Part 1: Reuniting

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Wednesday May 25, 2016 - One Month After Castiel's Possession 

You were sitting on your bed in Castiel's lap, his lips against yours. You put your hands on his chest and tugged lightly at his trench coat. "I love you.." You managed to exhale between kisses. 

"I love you too" He responded. 

And that's how it had been ever since that day. You'd spend what seemed like forever in your room with your boyfriend, Cas, because you were afraid of losing him. After all, you thought you had lost him just a month before when he got possessed by his older and much more powerful brother, Lucifer. 

So now, you spent as much time with him as you possibly could. The Winchesters did too and once all of your friends had heard about what had happened, they wanted to see him too. They wanted to see all of you because honestly it had been at least a year since you guys had seen any of them. After much talk and planning, you decided to have a sleepover at the bunker. A rather large sleepover. That consisted of 15 people including yourself. ((A couple monsters more or less but friends nonetheless.)) 'Good thing we have the bunker' you thought to yourself. 'Otherwise we'd be pretty cramped." 


After another make-out session with Cas, you both walked out of your room excited because tonight was the night. The night of the sleepover. Honestly, a part of you was scared knowing that there'd be such a large group of hunters in the same place at once. It'd make you all a target, especially since a few of your friends were monsters and celestial beings. However, the closer it got till time for the fun to start, the less worried you became. 'We're all really strong. We can deal if something bad comes our way.' you thought. Somewhere in the back of your mind though, you were paranoid that the "bad" would be Lucifer. 

You shook the thought out of your head and grabbed Cas's hand holding it tightly. You two were about to walk into the main part of the bunker when you heard Dean shout "Charlie!" As you walked into the main part of the bunker you saw Dean hugging Charlie. "Long time no see huh?" Charlie smiled as she saw you and Cas walk in. "What's up bitches!" You and Cas hugged her too just as Sam walked in, who also gave her a hug. "It's great to see you Charlie" Sam said. "Good to see all you dorks again too" She replied glancing at you all. 

She walked up to Cas and looked him right in the eyes. "But Cas.. dude are you okay?" Charlie asked him. 

"I'm okay now. My brother wasn't a good roommate when he was here." Castiel told her gruffly. "I bet not. I'm just glad you're alright now." She hugged him again. He hugged her back, smiling. "Thank you Charlie." Once the moment was over, everyone began moving about and getting things ready for the guests. A while after Charlie came, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, and Garth arrived. "Hey guys! How are yall?" Garth gave everyone hugs, then he approached Cas and pulled out Mr. Fizzles. "Hi Castiel I'm Mr. Fizzles!" Cas looked at the sock curiously. Wanting answers, he looked at you. "(y/n), I don't understand. How can footwear have human-like qualities?" He curved his mouth into the most adorable puppy-face frown you'd ever seen. You covered your mouth and giggled at him then pulled him into a kiss. "This is why I love you." Releasing him, you turned to help the others. "Oh Garth can you please keep him entertained?" You called. 

A while later, Jody and Benny showed up. Everyone got hugged and welcomed, then were helped with bringing their bags in.

About an hour passed and Chuck and Kevin showed up. "Well if it ain't God and the Prophet!" Dean exclaimed, pulling Kevin into a hug. Dean then came up behind Chuck and whispered, "By the way, if you haven't heard yet, your favorite son possessed your most adorable son so uh yeah he wasn't invited." He gave a small annoyed smirk while Sam helped them with their things. 

A violent storm started about 5 seconds after everyone else was settled. A puff of red smoke appeared in the room and Crowley emerged from it. "Ello boys" He greeted Sam and Dean. "Oh and hello darling" He gestured to you stroking a piece of your hair. Crowley creeped you out sometimes, but you couldn't help but love him. Cas went into overprotective bf mode and wrapped his arms around you while flashing a pair of glowing blue eyes at Crowley. Crowley backed off real quick. 

You guys were gonna wait for the last guest, but he was taking way too long so you just continued without him. "What should we do first?!" You asked eagerly. 

"How bout Twister?" Cas suggested. "I have to get it though it's still in your room, (y/n)." 

5 minutes had passed and Cas still hadn't come back yet. "Cas?" you called. He came back. "What took so long?" You asked. "I just couldn't find it is all." He smiled placing the game down. Suddenly, the game was gone and Cas was saying he was gonna go get Twister from your room. "Wait what?!" Sam and Dean knew something was up too. Everyone else didn't seem to be affected. That same thing happened 3 more times and by then you were more than sure as to who the culprit was. "GABRIEL CUT THIS SHIT OUT!" You yelled. Everything froze. He appeared with Cas, who had duct tape on his mouth. "Oh my Dad! Are you serious? I thought I had you guys that time!!" He said pulling a lollipop from his pocket. You chuckled when he said 'oh my dad.' "Gabriel we know how you are now you've done this way too much." Sam said. "Yeah you have" Dean added. "But we still love you." You finished, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He released Cas, who gave Gabe the same treatment he gave Crowley. "Oh c'mon little bro that was funny!" Castiel held onto you protectively while you just rolled your eyes at them. "Angels..." you grumbled with a small laugh. 

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