Bunker Mates Part 4: Drunk

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'Getting Cas drunk. That'll be interesting.' You thought to yourself. You chuckled and grabbed your boyfriend by the arm,pulling him into the kitchen with Dean while everyone else kept telling scary stories.

"What's going on?" Cas asked, confused. "We're gonna give you some happy juice buddy." Dean slurred, as he was drunk, though that came as a surprise to you. Cas stared at you both. "Happy juice?"

"yeah. It's pretty good after you have a few hits or if you're like Dean..." You smirked and looked at him. "Here." You handed the angel a bottle of beer. He studied and sniffed at it for a moment, then popped the cap off and took a swig. He choked at first, however, after a couple more swigs he was loving it. Everyone else had gotten some 'happy juice' by now and were loving it just as much as Cas was, probably even more. 

"This.." Castiel paused and smiled at you. "This makes me ..very happy" You smile back and roll your eyes as you can tell he's already showing signs of having a buzz. 

After drinking a few more beers, Cas was finally drunk. You helped him walk back into the dungeon portion of the bunker. Crowley had just started telling his story. "-then the human was bleeding because the knife was slowly slicing the flesh-" 

Cas tapped you on the shoulder. "(Y/n) do humans bleed..?" He slurred. "Yes Cas humans bleed." Castiel smirked. "Haha cool" he chuckled and almost fell over. "Alright alright" you whispered, grabbing him by his shoulders in an attempt to steady him. "C'mon my little angel you need to get some rest." You cooed. 

You motioned to the now drunk group of storytellers that you were taking Cas to your room. They all nodded and continued with their stories. As you led Castiel to your room, you heard drunken screams of joy and slight terror emote from your group of friends: "I'M THE FRIGGING KING OF HELL YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" Echoed from Crowley. Garth chimed in after that. "MR. FIZZLES CAN SENSE WHEN YOU'RE BEING A LIARRR", and finally from Kevin there were terrified and continuous shouts of: "I JUST REALIZED WE'RE IN A SEX TORTURE DUNGEON WHY ARE WE IN A SEX TORTURE DUNGEON?!?!!" Laughter followed after that and filled the mostly empty hallways of the bunker. 

"Idjits" You muttered, smiling and giggling as you helped Castiel to your room. He was mumbling nonsense and you tried tuning it out. "Okay baby enough talk about monkeys, bees, and all natural sandwiches. You need some rest." He kind of half nodded, not really paying mind to your words. 

You positioned him on your bed and turned to grab an extra blanket for him. As you turned back around, you noticed that the angel was standing next to your bed. "Cas please" you began, dropping the blanket. "You really need to-" You were cut off as a pair of lips rammed into yours. Castiel pushed you onto the bed as he continued kissing you. "Cas!!" You tried to pull away from him. "You're drunk get off!! You need to rest!" He ignored you and climbed on top of you, trailing kisses down your neck. You gripped his shoulder and let out a moan as he sucked on your neck slightly. "C-castiel..." You stretched your head back. 

"I love you (y/n)..I love you so much" The angel murmured as he captured your lips with his again. "I love you too Cas" You breathed out between the passionate kisses. With your arms wrapped around his neck, you lifted yourself from the bed just a touch as you tried to get deeper into the kiss. After about 5 minutes, Castiel had passed out from being drunk. "And the hangover begins." You sighed and smiled as you tucked him in, then you brought a trashcan into your room for the next morning if Cas needed it. You then got under the warm covers and snuggled up to the angel, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.  

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