Bunker Mates Part 3: Storytime

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Garth was telling the first scary story. Slowly, he pulled Mr. Fizzles out of his pocket and slipped the sock onto his hand. Clearing his throat, he began. 

"Once in Walmart," He started off in his 'Mr.Fizzles' voice "there was a spill on isle 13." Dean was trying to hold back his laughter. Garth continued. "The manager was coming out of bathroom and he walked down the isle, noticing the mess." Garth grabbed a flashlight and turned it on, holding it under his chin. "The manager called for one of the employees. 'Cleanup on isle 13!' he yelled." 

Dean was practically choking on his own breath and you and Sam were getting to that point as well. Charlie,Kevin, Crowley, and Gabriel were giggling under their breath, and Castiel was just confused. Garth kept going. 

"An employee heard the distress call from the manager and contacted him. The employee sounded terrified. 'Didya hear me?!' The manager shouted. 'Y-yes sir I did' The employee replied. 'Then get down here and clean this mess on isle 13 I'm busy!'" Garth paused for dramatic effect. "And then you know what happened?" Garth asked gesturing to no one in particular. "What happened?" The whole group barely managed to squeak out as everyone was dying from laughter. Except for Cas of course. Garth looked around the room and finished. 

"Then... the employee spoke, his voice trembling, 'BUT SIR THERE IS NO ISLE 13!!!' DUN DUNN DUNNN" Garth waved the flashlight around and flicked it on and off, making ghosty sounds as he did. Basically everyone else had collapsed to the floor and couldn't breathe very well because they were laughing so hard. All except little Castiel, though, who was sitting there and looking at everybody with a confused face. "I do not understand how a shopping center can be possessed, nor do I understand what is so funny about the concept of possession." 

Rolling your eyes, you slid next to your boyfriend. "It's supposed to be funny Cas and that's what's funny about it is that shopping centers can't be possessed, well not that I know of anyways. As far as I know, they can only be haunted. And well Garth's 'Mr. Fizzles' voice was helping it be even funnier." The poor angel still looked confused, but he nodded. "Oh." He laughed uncomfortably. 

"Hey Cas you wanna tell the next story?" "sure" he responded. He got at the front of the group and began. "Um..once upon a time..in..in heaven..there was an angel who was born. His name was Lucifer. He was my father's favorite but then he turned and was cast to Hell. One day he came back from Hell and destroyed the whole world. The end." Castiel smiled and Gabriel tackled him, covering his little bro's mouth quickly. "Brother no" Gabe said as he held Cas there. 

Kevin looked over to you and mouthed 'What the Hell?!' You shrugged at him then held up a finger as you walked over to Dean. "Dean we need to get Cas drunk." you told him simply. "Oh okay" Dean looked at you and smirked. 

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