Bunker Mates Part 5: Hangover

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You woke up to gagging noises. Sitting upright, you saw Castiel holding the trashcan. "Hey you okay?" You asked, rubbing his back. He coughed and glanced at you for a moment. "(y/n)..I don't feel so good.." He mumbled as he held over the trashcan again, gagging and coughing. "It's just a hangover baby you'll feel better in a bit." You promised him, as he coughed again and threw up a bit more. "That's it get it all out." You kept softly rubbing his back. "What's a hangover..?" He asked miserably. "It's what happens usually the morning after you get drunk. You're gonna be alright." Giving Cas a small smile, and seeing that he was done for now, you got up and opened your bedroom door. "C'mon you wanna go in the library and watch Netflix?" The angel looked at you. "What's a Netflix..?" Giggling, you responded, "you'll see." You helped him up and walked with him carefully, making sure he had a good hold on the trashcan. 

Walking into the library, you noticed pretty much everyone was awake and some were getting ready to leave. You got Cas comfortable at the large research table and placed the trashcan in his lap then brought your laptop in and placed it on the table in front of him. You wrapped a blanket around him, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and turned on The Walking Dead for him then went to say good morning to everyone and goodbye to some. Jody, Benny, and Chuck were about to leave and Ellen and Jo were planning on going soon after. "Morning sweetheart!" You heard Benny call out. "Morning!" You called back at him as you pulled him in for a hug. "We're about to leave so I guess we'll see you next time sunshine." "sure will!!" Smiling, you hugged Jody and Chuck as well, then you saw Dean rush in and hug Benny, patting him on the back and telling him and the others bye. 

They walked out and then you saw Ellen and Jo walking towards the exit. "Yeah we're gonna hit the road too." Sam walked in and told them bye, then Dean. "I'll see you boys soon" Ellen said with a smile. "Bye (y/n), oh and Castiel, some soda might help that hangover" Ellen walked outside and Jo followed her, after giving Dean a kiss. You walked to Dean and hugged him "Morning" "Hey kid" He smiled and hugged back, then went to check on Cas. You found Sam and hugged him too. "Hey moose" You teased. He laughed and hugged you back. "Morning" 

You greeted the rest of your friends- the ones that were awake at least- then went to make a poptart. Garth and Kevin were out cold, Charlie was LARPing with Crowley and Gabriel, and Sam and Dean were already having some beer with Bobby. You went into the library and sat down next to Cas, watching the show with him. "You feeling better?" You asked. "Yes (y/n).. I'm a bit better..still naseous but better" he smiled and you wrapped an arm around him. "Good." He hiccuped a bit and spit into the trashcan, then set it down next to him as he focused closer on the show. "You like that huh?" "Yes, very much. I like it when the dad with the bushy beard keeps shouting 'coral' it makes me laugh" You giggle. "Yeah I like those parts too" 

In the corner of the library, Kevin is starting to stir finally and he awakens, immidiately needing coffee. "Coffee..." he mumbles, rubbing his eyes. "Hold on Cas" you say as you go over to help Kevin. You feel like you're kind of taking over the mom role as you look after the newer-to-drinking hunters. You give Kevin his coffee and a trashcan just in case, then snuggle him next to Cas, letting him watch The Walking Dead as well. 

Looking over at the sleeping mat still on the floor, you notice Garth sitting upright. He jumps up quickly, looking panicked as he high tails it to the bathroom. "Ugh frigging hangovers..." you mumble as you go to help him. You give him a trashcan too and settle him with Kevin and Cas to watch the show. 

"Adorable babies.." you murmur to yourself as you watch them. You turn to go into the kitchen, when suddenly you run into Gabriel and fall. "Whoops" he helps you up and makes sure you're alright. "Hey (y/n), you wanna LARP with us?" Gabe asks, looking at Charlie and Crowley. 

You give them a wide smile. "Sure!" 

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