Bunker Mates Part 2: Twister

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After Gabriel finally calmed his crap, you, Cas, Gabe, Sam, and Dean all joined the rest of the group to play Twister at last. "Okay who wants to spin?" Dean raised his hand as if volunteering. He had a smug smirk on his face. You didn't notice and allowed him to. "We should probably only have 4 people playing at the same time" Sam spoke up. "So who wants to go fir-" Dean leaned in. "(y/n) and Cas have to go on this round." "Okay who else wants to go?" Charlie and Garth stood up. "We will!" 


"Right hand blue" Dean commanded you after spinning the wheel. You were sprawled all across the mat. You were very close to losing your balance but you were trying as hard as you could to keep upright. "Damn this is getting hard." You murmured. 

Garth was next and he got out that time. He still had Mr. Fizzles on his hand, so when Dean said "right hand red" the sock slipped on the mat causing the nerdy hunter to flop over. Everyone laughed. "Man I almost had it!" He shouted. 

Charlie's turn. "Okay kid left foot yellow" Dean chuckled as he saw Charlie struggling to stay up. She almost had it until she got her foot caught under a fold in the mat, one dot away from yellow. "Well fudge! I was so close!!" She laughed and got off the mat, leaving you and Cas still in the game. 

"Alright Cas" Dean smirked and decided to break the rules a little. He spun the wheel but didn't say what the hand pointed to. He made up his own moves. "Right foot green" Dean said after a moment. Cas did as he was told and started blushing because of the position that was beginning to form. "(Y/n), right hand yellow." The position was getting more and more uncomfortable. 

"Cas, left foot blue" Castiel's legs were now on both sides of you and your hand was extremely close to his you-know-what. You were figuring out what was going on now. "(Y/n), left hand green" you did as you were told. 

"Cas, right hand (y/n)'s shoulder." The angel was confused for a moment but he did it eventually. Everybody was watching intently. "(Y/n), both arms around Cas's neck" You did what Dean said. You definitely knew what was going on now. 

"Now Cas lips on (y/n-" before he could finish, you leaned into Cas and pressed your lips to his. Cas ran his hands through your hair while you trailed your hands across the back of his neck, both of you moving your lips together rythmically. Dean smirked. "That's my little nerds." He laughed while everyone else "awwwwed" at the sight. You blushed hearing them but you kept Castiel in the kiss not caring too much if they watched. Finally separating for air, you gave Cas a quick peck on the nose and snuggled up to him in the middle of the Twister mat. 


~Time skip to Hair styling~ 


"Sam hold still!" You shouted as you were putting his hair up in a braid. "Stop pulling it so damn hard then!!" He yelled. You rolled your eyes. "Oh please it's not that bad." 

Dean was putting Castiel's hair in little pony tails across the top of his head and while Dean was busy with that, Cas was doing Gabriel's hair at the same time. 

Everyone else was doing something or other, drinking, reading, playing games. After Sam, Cas, and Gabe had their hair all nice and pretty, it was time for scary stories. You all ((you, Sam, Dean, Garth, Crowley, Kevin, Castiel, Gabriel, and Charlie)) went into the dungeon portion of the bunker."I wanna go first!" Garth shouted. 

A few people had already fallen asleep. Jo, Ellen, Benny, Chuck, Bobby, and Jody were out by midnight. However, the night owls, ((you, Sam, Dean, Garth, Crowley, Kevin, Castiel, Gabriel, and Charlie)) were just getting started. 

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