Chapter One - From the Moment that I Met You

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I decided to throw everyone a party on the ship the day we got Johnny back. It was amazing seeing my best friend of so many years again. I figured everyone could relax a little as we'd all been working hard as hell to fight the Zin - plus I hadn't seen Kinzie take so much as a toilet break since I got here.

The party was in full swing, with an 80s dance mix playing in the background. Shaundi and Pierce were grinding in the corner. It's hilarious how they try and hid the shenanigans they get up to after dark. Kinzie, Ben, Matt, and Asha were all drunk as hell, sloppily dancing and screaming "this is MY  JAM!" to every repetitive sounding song that blasted through the speakers that CID had happily supplied us with from his compact robot form. Keith was in the corner, drinking a bottle of water and keeping an eye on everyone - he was always the designated adult, mostly because he had no idea how to have fun.

Gat stood watching everyone, drinking a weird concoction of what Kinzie managed to find on the alien ship.
"So Johnny," I said, leaning on the crate of ammo beside him.
"What's it like being back?".
"Well, pretty shit since Earth was blown up by those horn headed dicks".
"I know. But it's good to have you back" I smiled, taking his cup and sipping a small part of his drink.
"You not have your own Boss?" He laughed, pulling cup away from me.
"Nah, I wanted to stay sober" I replied, looking at the floor.
"I've never heard those words come out of your mouth before" he smiled, swirling his drink in his cup.
"Yeah," I laughed in reply. "But there was something I wanted to tell you".
Johnny looked at me with a confused expression.
"What's up Boss?" He asked, his voice full of concern and care.
"Can we go talk in private?" I asked in a whisper. Johnny shrugged and set his cup down.
"You lead the way".

We walked in silence to the front of the ship. We sat down in the two front seats.
"So Boss, what's on your mind" he said, leaning back in his chair.
"I've been wanting to tell you something since you came back". I started stuttering my words. Shooting him would be easier that telling him what I wanted to say at that moment.
"C'mon, spill!" He said jokingly, playfully punching my arm.
"Okay," I laughed, shying my head to the floor once again.
"Johnny, you were on my mind, so so much when you were away. I never thought it could be possible to miss someone so much".
"Well hell, I missed you too kiddo" he smiled at me.

He called me kiddo even though he was only a few years older than me. We had never exchanged ages - it had never come up. Simple things like that do not get questioned in the gang world when we first met.

"Listen to me Johnny" I continued.
"I've never had my heart broken before, but losing you destroyed me. We've been through everything together - you've always been by my side since I was starting out in Stilwater. I guess I'm trying to say something but I can't quite find the words, because maybe there are no words..." I trailed off a little and raked my hair off my face with my fingers.
"Words for what?" Johnny said, totally confused at this point.
"To describe the way I feel about you" I said, finally finding the confidence to look at him.
"Oh..." He said hushly, starting to catch on the awkward pint I was making.
"I just thought I tell you" I said, my voice cracking slightly.
"No, no, it's okay Boss" he laughed awkwardly.
"Well, I gotta hit the hay!" I said, stretching and jumping up out of my seat.
"Boss wait a second" Johnny said. My back was already turned but i stopped at the door.
"I'm not sure what to say back to you, but this won't change anything between us".
My heart fell heavy as I hoped the response from him would involve no talking - just his lips on mine.
"Things changed the minute i knew you were alive".

I walked out of the cockpit with tears stinging
my eyes. But I'm the boss, and the boss never cries. Not even when she gets he heart broken.

A/N - Please let me know if you would like me to publish the next couple of chapters! This is my first SR fan fiction, so please let me know if you have any tips x

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