Chapter Eleven - "i promise"

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I decided enough was enough - hearing Johnny being so annoyed with himself alerted the best friend part of my mind, making me automatically try to comfort him.

I awoke groggily, pretending he had disturbed from a deep sleep.

"Shit," he mumbled, looking at me as I stretched and rubbed my eyes like a toddler.

"Hey Johnny," I smiled, appreciating his toned face.

"I didn't mean to wake you - I just wanted to talk".
"It's okay".

I put my hand on his shoulder, and to raised his hand to meet mine.

"How are your hands so soft? We're in the middle of fucking space!" He joked, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.

After a few seconds of comfortable silence, the ship suddenly jerked, sending Johnny and I flying into the back corner of my room, and hitting the metal walls with a thud.

"The fuck was that?" He questioned.
"I don't know".

I jumped up and ran out my door, leaving Johnny to make his own way. I ran to Kinzie's spot underneath the stairs. Staring at the empty bean bag chair, I heard her voice shout from behind me.

"Boss," she said, walking towards me speedily.

"Kinzie, what's going on?" I questioned, hoping she would supply me with a calm answer.

"I don't know, I think we got hit - which is confusing since the distance alarm wasn't triggered. I'm leaning towards a Zin related explanation".

She pushed past me and grabbed her laptop that had been toppled onto the floor, then balanced that on one hand whilst she typed quickly.

"Gather everyone and we'll meet in the pod simulation room".

I nodded and grabbed my crew one by one, finding Johnny last.

"Is everything okay?" He asked with slight worry in his voice.

"I don't know," I gulped, not having the heart to lie to him. I pulled his arm into the pod room, double checking everyone was there.

"What happened?" Keith spoke up. As I opened my mouth to answer, Kinzie ran in with her laptop.

Everyone gather round and she sat down and hooked it up to Shaundi's computer.

"I accessed the cameras on the outside of the ship - nothing seemed to hit us," she explained, pointing to the screen.

Kinzie was interrupted by static black and white, then Zinyak's face popped up on the screen.

"Well hello putrid humans. You finally have your gang of bandits back together. It's too bad that all your effort will go to waste".

"What the fuck do you mean, you son of a bitch," I growled back.

"Well considering I'm sending my army your way, I doubt you have much chance of survival. Ciao".

The screen went black and Kinzie furiously  attacked the power button trying to bring the screen back to life.

"Matt, where are the oxygen tanks and headsets?" I barked.

"I'll go get them" he said shakily, pulling on Asha's arm.

"King, Keith, go get all the ammo and guns you can find. Set up a station at the back of the room".

They nodded and rushed off.

"What's the plan, Boss?" Pierce asked.

"Im gonna find a way onto Zinyak's ship. First of all, we need to fight of majority of the alien and jack one of their flying bullshit vehicle things. I'll fly to Zinyak's ship and try and get on board".

"Boss, you're practically committing suicide! The minute you even step on that ship you'll get swarmed" Shaundi exclaimed.

"Shaundi, please don't worry about me". She sulked as I pulled her in for a short hug, trying to reassure her of my certainty that this plan would work.

"Maybe you should take someone with you," Kinzie suggested. I instantly looked at Johnny, but shook my head.

"No, I don't want to risk anyone else's life".

At that moment Keith and Ben came back, panting from the heavy lifting.

"We set up the ammo,".

After loading myself with guns and ammo, Matt and Asha provided me with a headset and oxygen tank.

"I want everyone to put on a headset so we can all communicate" I said, the crew doing as I suggested.

"Also stock up with oxygen and ammo and try and fight off as many Zin. Kinzie - where are those shoes?"
"Shoes?" Pierce questioned, obviously taking interest in anything fashion related.
"Ohh, you mean the magnetic ones?".
"I nodded and she ran to a box in the room and pulled out a pair.

"Thank you. I'll be on the top of the ship, I'll radio you all when I get to the ship".

"Please be careful," Pierce followed, trying not to show too much emotion.

Before I could dwell on my decision, the sound of bullets pelleting off metal echoed through the ship.

"Get to work, I'll see you soon".

"Do you promise?" Johnny spoke up.
Everyone looked at Johnny with a confused expression as it was such a weird thing for him to say.

Not caring if anyone saw me, I grabbed Johnny face and kissed him.

"I promise I'll come back".


OMG HI EVERYONE. I can't believe this story has 1k views!!! Thank you to all my readers. Please vote/comment on my chapters as it totally makes my day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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