Chapter Seven - Moral Dilemma

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The next day, I didn't see Johnny at all. In all honesty, I was relieved. I couldn't face him after everything.

I lay in my bunk, waiting for a call to come in or someone to come to my door with a new mission for me.

I heard a knock and groaned. I got up to answer the door.

"What can I do for you Matt?".

Matt stood in front of me, it was clear he had just woken up. He didn't have his usual black eyeliner and blue lipstick on, or any of his accessories for that matter. His hair was slightly messy. I found myself looking at him with awe, until he spoke and snapped me out of my daydream.

"Um, can we talk?" He asked awkwardly. Matt was so timid and scared around me. I felt bad for him being the youngest of the crew - it was the same for me when I first joined the Saints back in Stilwater.

"Sure," I smiled back. He came into my room and I closed the door and sat next to him on my bed.

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's Asha," Matt admitted shakily. I could tell he was hurt.

"Awh, sweetheart what happened?" I said trying to comfort him by putting my arm around him. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I just feel like I like her. A lot. But I never get anything back".

"Unrequited love, huh? You're not alone sweetie". After I'd said that my eyes widened slightly.

"What?" Matt said, confused.

"Nothing, nothing. Have you spoken to Asha about how you feel?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I try, she just brushes me off".

I felt bad for him, of all people I knew exactly how he felt. As I thought, Matt had sat up straight and was looking at me.

I turned to face him.

"The fuck are you staring at, Miller?" I laughed.

He smiled slightly, his eyes still locked on mine.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have the most magnificent lips?".

I felt my cheeks go bright red. Surely he was joking?

"What are you doing Matt?" I asked with a little more concern in my voice.

"Just, ssh".

Matt leaned in and kissed me, his hands slid and gripped my hair, pulling my face in closer. I knew in my heart I should push him away, but something kept my drawn in. I kissed back with the same force as him.

He pulled away slowly, and smiled.

"Well, wasn't that nice?" He said, smirking.

"When did you become a man?" I joked, referring to his "cyber god" teenage years.
"When I met you".

My heart skipped a beat. I always saw Matt as this young boy, lost in a world of gang members. Now, with him sitting in front me with his hands on my hips, I saw him as more than that.

But alas, my head clicked into reality. I was sitting with Matt, on the brink of a make out session when just a few days ago I admitted my feelings for Johnny. It was a moral dilemma in my head, so I decided to do the right thing.

"Matt, I like you. You know that. But nothing more than a friend. I think you're dealing with some stuff. You don't want me".

After I said that to Matt, he nodded his head and sighed, got up and walked to my door.

He stopped and turned round at the door.

"Whoever's got your heart, Boss, they're a lucky guy".


PLOT TWIST! I wrote two versions of this chapter, one with the boss kissing Matt and one without, but I liked this chapter the best. Let me know what you guys think of Matt and the Boss? 😉😉😉 love all my readers thank you all so much ❤️❤️❤️

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