Chapter Eight - angry

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I felt anger rush through my veins when Matt said that.

"What do you mean 'whoever has my heart?'. No one has my fucking heart".

Of course, that was a lie, but I was not admitting to Matt my feelings for Johnny. As much as I liked him, Matt was a shit stirrer.

"Oh come on Boss, you would jump the bones on anyone if they asked. That's what you've been doing the past five years".

I couldn't cuss at him for saying this as it was true. I took Johnny's death hard, and dealing with it involved me sleeping around and never having a solid relationship.

"Just go, Matt" I sighed, accepting my defeat and slumping back on the bed. A small part of me expected Matt to apologise, but he just left.

I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.

On second thought, I want to murder some aliens.

I jumped up and walked speedily to the pod room. Shaundi was typing away at a computer.

"I'm going to slaughter some aliens - you coming with?" I asked, gesturing to a pod.

"Sure!" She responded excitedly, jumping up from her seat.

We entered the simulation, and I used telekinesis to skid a car down the road, resulting in a pile up. Instantly, a portal formed with aliens spilling out. Shaundi used a gun to shoot the aliens as they came along, whereas I opted for a more violent takedown. I smashed there heads into the concrete, feeling the satisfactory crunch of their jaws.

Suddenly, six portals formed.

"Boss what the fuck?" Shaundi exclaimed, her eyes becoming wide as the aliens spilled out of the portals.

"I don't know what happened!".

We hadn't caused nearly enough trouble for these portals to form, and soon the streets overflowed with Zin and police.

"Shaundi, Boss, can you hear me?" I heard Kinzie speak.

"Yeah - can you tell us what's going on?".

"I'm not sure. It's probably a trick from Zinyak. Go to the nearest gateway".

Shaundi and I sprinted to a gateway in Brickston. The bright white light wasn't there and we couldn't walk through.

"Kinzie we can't get through" I said, feeling panic rise in my chest.

"Gat, can you hear me?" Kinzie said, which was responded by Shaundi and I giving each other puzzled looks.

"Yeah Kinzie, I'm here" I jumped, turning around to see Johnny standing behind me.

"Okay good. I'm going to try reopen the gateway to get you all through. Fight of any Zin and make sure they don't get anyway near the gateway".

My eyes locked with Johnny's for a second - but then a portal opened above us.

"Watch out Boss!" He shouted, shoving me to the side, then shooting three Zin that jumped out. Johnny quickly ran over and held out his hand to help me up.

"Shaundi, you watch the door. The Boss and I will take care of the Zin".

"You got it, Gat".

I watched Johnny flawlessly eliminate the Zin. I helped, shooting the few that came my way. Johnny's combat techniques were perfectly timed - from his aim to pulling grenades. Johnny could grind an army to a pulp in less than minute.

"Quick guys, the gateway is open!" Kinzie shouted.

We all piled towards the door, and I closed the three remaining portals by chucking a grenade at each.

We arrived back on the ship, I opened my eyes met Johnny's instantly.

"What were you doing in the simulation?" I questioned with anger in my voice.

"Well, if you must know, I saw you were in trouble and I came to help".

At that point I almost felt bad for being angry with Johnny. Even after we left things in an awkward, he still cared about me.

Did he have feelings for me too? No, don't be stupid. He cares for you as a friend.

"Thank you Johnny," Shaundi said softly, lightly kissing his cheek. I felt jealously bubble in my stomach but I let it simmer.

Shaundi walked out the room, leaving Johnny and I alone. I opted for the easiest route out of this awkward situation, leaving the room without another word. As I proceeded, Johnny grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. Out faces were inches apart and by now he was holding both my arms.

In a flash, he pushed me against a wall and moved his hands to grab my face, then kissed me. I felt fireworks explode as my mouth moved with his, his touch heating my cold skin.

After a minute of enjoying his lips on mine, I pulled away by moving my head to the side. Johnny moved his lips to my jawline and down my neck.

"Johnny, wait" I said breathlessly, knowing id hate myself for stopping him.

Sorry if this update is a bit shit! I'll update again soon. Thank you to the 20-odd loyal people who read all my chapter hahah!

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