Chapter Ten - Sleep

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I froze for a second - not in fear or in anger, just plain confusion.

Why the hell would Matt ask that right now?

"Why?" I responded, not wanting to admit it to Matt, but then again not wanting to lie to him.

"I just need to know".
"Why?" I asked again.

"Because if you're in love with Johnny and I'm in love with Asha, we could fool them and make them jealous or-"
"Stop stop stop stop stop" I said, stepping back from him.

"Even I was in love with Johnny, nothing would happen. He has his issues and so do I".

At this point I sat on my bed, my elbows leaning on my thighs.

"Matt, you're young. You're, what, 21? Asha doesn't seem like a girl that wants to be with a guy like you,".

As soon as I said those words I felt awful. Matt was taken back, surprised that I had said that.

"Oh god Matt, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that" I jumped up and pleaded, trying to put a band aid over the gash I had made.

"No Boss, um, it doesn't matter," he mumbled, hanging his head.
"I'll see you later".

I tried to stop him from leaving but he had already shut the door in my face. I slid down the wall and buried my head into my hands.

I was unsure what to do with myself. I felt so low that I didn't have the energy to fight, yet I didn't want to be sitting on the floor, upset over a boy like a teenager.

I decided to have my strop in my bed, lying down and snuggling into the covers. I closed my eyes, attempting to get some sleep and so I could escape reality for a while.

Just as I felt my eyes growing heavy, a light knock was at my door. I chose to ignore it, hoping whoever it was would go away if I didn't respond.

Despite me not answering, they proceeded to enter my room. I kept my eyes closed, pretending to be sleeping soundly.

I knew by the sound of his breathing and footsteps that it was Johnny.

He sat down on the end of my bed.

"I know you're a heavy sleeper, so I'm gonna talk to you" he said.

"To tell the truth, I don't know what's up with you. It's obviously that I've been gone so long that I've forgotten my best friend,"

I winced when he said that - even though Johnny was gone for years, I didn't forget anything about him.

"I understand you're feeling suffocated in this stupid ship, we are are - but I just want you to know that I'm here".

Johnny moved up the bed, tucking my exposed arm into the covers.

"And I wanna thank you. For helping me through everything. You were really there from the start. I guess what I'm trying to say... FUCK WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO SAY?".

A/n - sorry this took so long to update...I'm really struggling with this story, but I know how I want it to go with the next few chapters! I promise I won't take too long with the next chapter. Also please check out my Male boss/OC story called "all for love". Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day ❤️

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