Chapter Fourteen - Friends

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I was stunned. I hadn't heard my real name in years.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Dex told me. I should've known something was up with you two. Always riding around in that shitty Vegas of yours, when it turns out you were riding him".

"Don't talk about me like that!" I screamed.

Asha, Matt, and Kinzie suddenly came to the door, watching Johnny and I.

"Talking about you like what? You're a slut and you know that. I bet you fucked Troy too".

I folded my arms and smirked.
"I did, and it was fucking good".

I knew that would make Johnny angry.

"Just like you were fucking every bitch behind Aisha's back!" I continued.

"I did that once, and you promised that you wouldn't hold that against me. You knew it was a mistake".

"Yeah? Well I never thought I'd hear my best friend call me a slut".

The rest of the Saints stood at the doorway, watching Gat and I argue.

Keith suddenly interrupted us - "you are the president of the United States! You've turned into a damn teenage girl ever since you got your best friend back".

We both stayed silent for a moment, looking at Keith. Then Johnny said something snide about Keith's teenage girl comment and we flared up again.

After relentless insults, I finally stopped and sighed.

"What are we doing Johnny?" I questioned, giving up on the argument that seemed to be going nowhere.

"I don't know, kid" he mumbled.

We turned to look at the rest of the saints, eyeing them to leave the room so we could talk in private.

After a few seconds Gat said "guys, fuck off" and they scattered into different directions.

"Listen Boss, you've done a shit ton of talking and it's my turn".

I stood and listened to him. I felt bad because if never actually listened to Johnny before, it was always assumptions.

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Dex?"
"Because I knew it would hurt you. Plus, it was a complicating thing".

Complicating was an understatement.

I struggled with telling him about me and Dex because as a gang leader, I didn't have to express any feelings other than hate or vengeance.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. Apologising isn't really Gat's thing, but I was happy he said it.

"It's okay," I replied. "I'm sorry too".

"Let's just be friends" I suggested. It hurt my heart as the words came out of my mouth but I knew it was the right thing.

Keith was right - I was the president of the United States, an important political figure even with the world being blown to pieces. I had to be strong for my crew.

I left the room, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I walked past Kinzie and Shaundi, who looked at me and quickly looked at each other.

I flopped onto my bunk bed and sighed. I felt upset, but oddly better at the same time. Knowing that Johnny and I were just going to be friends was hard to hear, but it made sense. We were in the middle of a war against the Aliens - we should not mix feelings into that.


Omg I feel so bad for not updating! Had a rough time emotionally so I didn't write much, but here's another chapter! All ready working on the next one. Thanks for all your comments I love reading them!

Please check out my other stories if you like my writing - I also take requests! 💜💜

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