Chapter Five - The Paraphrase

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I still couldn't believe I was alone with Johnny in his room. I could feel the sexual tension growing in the room, with the silence and the dull lights. I was still sitting in the bean chair whilst Johnny was sitting on the bed.

"Why are you sitting over there?" He questioned, patting the spot beside him.
I laughed, hesitantly getting up and sitting beside him.

Johnny moved in closer and cupped my face. His other hand was resting on my thigh. Our faces were centimetres apart, until he pulled my face towards his and kissed me, the way he did in the car. At that point, all my thoughts and worries about this weird position of friendship Gat and I were in right now vanished from my brain and all I could focus on was how much I wanted him.

I pushed him down onto the bed, climbing onto of him. Johnny was surprised, and pulled away for a moment, but I was already looking for the zipper of his space suit. Our lips met again, but this time with a stronger force and my tongue laced with his. He moved his hands from my waist up to my boobs, finding the zipper of my suit and zipping it down enough for me to slide the top part off.

Johnny slid up so that he was leaning against the headboard and slipped off the top of his space suit aswell. He had scars covering his torso.

Every scar had a memory behind it.

"Johnny, we can't do this" I said, catching my breath.

"Why?" He questioned, pushing back his hair and panting along with me.

"Look at all we've been through together" I said, referring to the scars and trying to build a mental picture of our timeline.

"Remember when you took me into the Saints? And when I jailbreaked and we found the shitty church? We brought the saints back to life. And Johnny, oh god when you "died", well, I've already told you how I felt. It was unbearable. We've been through so much together, I don't want to ruin our friendship".

I got off of him and sat on the side of the bed. Fixing my hair into a messy bun. Johnny stretched his arms behind his head and lay down.

"I'm sorry Johnny" I whispered turning around to look at him.

"It's okay Boss" he sighed.

I fixed my space suit and zipped it back up. I looked at Johnny lying back on his bed. He was a desirable man, and looking at him now I was slightly mad at myself for stopping us before. But instead of throwing my tongue down his throat, I swung my legs over onto the bed and lay down next to him. We weren't touching but I could feel the heat of his body next to me. I longed to reach over and have him wrap his arms around me.

"Well don't just lie there" he said with a smirk in his hoarse voice. Johnny lay his arm out and I snuggled into his chest. I slumped my arm over his stomach and sighed with relief. His chin rest on the top of my head. He sighed and gave me a gentle squeeze.

"Johnny?" I said, his name filling my stomach with butterflies.

"Yes boss?" He replied.

All I wanted to say was "I think I'm in love with you" but instead in paraphrased by saying "I'm so glad I'm here with you again".

"Again?" He questioned.

My eyes widened as I remembered a secret I promised myself I'd never tell anyone.

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