Chapter nine - "You dont even like her"

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I pushed Johnny's chest gently, and he pulled away.

"What is it Boss?". I could tell he was frustrated, as this wasn't the first time id stop us. This time though, it was for a different reason.

"I'm not into this," I said, putting arms down. I was leaning against the wall, Johnny standing in front of me.
"Well we can move to my room if you're feeling uncomfortable". He placed his hands on my hips, bring me closer to him.

"No, Johnny. I meant us".

Johnny's POV

What is she doing? I thought she was into me.

"Wait, what?" I questioned.
"I don't know. I just don't feel the same".

My heart felt like it had been hit with a baseball bat. That feeling took over my whole body.

You don't even like her, Gat.

"I'm sorry Gat, I just can't do this". She then rushed away from me, leaving me stranded in the pod room.

I stood there confused, wondering what made the boss freak out like that. At that moment Shaundi walked into the pod room.

"What's up Gat? You look sad" she asked.
"Yeah I'm fine". I knew that my reply was bland and rude, but I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to be by myself.

I walked to my room, until I heard an English accent shout my name.


I turned around to see Asha walking towards me. Asha never spoke to me alone, only if we were with the others or if it was combat or mission related.

"What can I do for you?".
"Are you alright? You seem upset".
"I'm fine Asha".

I went to turn around, until she stopped me by placing her hand on my arm.

"I was an MI9 agent. I can sense when people lie". At this point I was getting angry at her, wondering why she wouldn't let this go.
"Can you just drop it Asha?" I said, knowing the words came out sounding cold and horrible.

"Fine". She let go of my arm and returned to her usual spot at the bench press.

Boss's POV

I was sitting in my room, wondering if I had done the right thing, leaving Johnny when he kissed me. Before I had much time to think, a light knock was at my door.

Matt came in, switching on the light.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" He questioned, laughing lightly.
"I don't know. Old habit I guess".
"What do you want Miller?" I continued.

"I just thought I'd let you know that Asha has been talking about Johnny all day. And Kinzie told me she saw them talking".

"And why would I care about this?" I asked, trying to scrape the last bit of secrecy of my feelings for Johnny.

"Well, he's your best friend, right? I thought you would care who he fucks".

I flinched at the mental image that formed in my head of Johnny and Asha together. In all honesty, the seemed like a perfect fit, which is what scared me.

"Listen, I just want Asha to stay away from him. She should be with me, she knows that".

I knew that what Matt said was genuinely. I felt compelled to give him a hug.

I stood up from my bed to hug Matt, but as I reached out to wrap my arms around his neck, he thought I was making a different motion.

Matt quickly pulled me in and kissed me hard. I was taken back by it, but slowly relaxed into his arms and kissed back.

In my heart, I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but I didn't stop him. The fact that this was taboo made it feel so much better.

"Boss, I have to ask you something" Matt said breathlessly, pulling away. I moved my lips to his pale neck, biting and sucking lightly, know that I would bruise his light skin - as I did this, Matt moaned, struggling to find the words he was going to say.

"Are you in love with Johnny?".


A/N - update! sorry I've not updated quickly, I was struggling with this chapter, but i like the final result. I HATE putting "PoV", I like to keep it one person speaking but I had to for this chapter, you'll find out why later. Thank you for reading, I'm so grateful. Almost at 500 views!!! Don't forget to vote on this chapter. Thank you again to all my readers ❤️❤️❤️

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