Chapter Three - The Back Alley

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We arrived in the simulation at the gateway on Arapice Island. Our first flashpoint was a good drive away from the gateway. Kinzie sent us a car - an old Venom Classic, one of Johnny's favourites back in Stilwater.

"Do you want to drive?" Johnny asked, opening to drivers side door. I shook my head and got in the passengers seat. We drove with the radio in the background, and Gat quietly humming along to the songs.

When we arrived at flashpoint it took us a near 30 seconds to complete it. I forgot how good we were in combat together. I smiled and was going to say what I thought out loud, then the realisation that we hadn't said anything to each other since we got in the car struck and I kept my mouth shut.

Again, we drove to the next flashpoint on the island and completed that with a couple head shots. This was easy with Johnny by my side.

The last item on our to do list was to inject a virus in Salander.

On the way there, Johnny broke the awkward silence.

"So how we doing this Boss?" He asked.
"What?" I said, jumping slightly.
"What's the plan for us?" He asked again, slightly confused at my hesitation.
"What us?" I said, snapping at him.
"I meant what's the plan for us with this virus injection. Kinzie said its gonna take a few minutes" he said. My face flushed bright red with embarrassment and my eyes went wide.
"Oh! Uh, uh, I'll take the portals and the Zin, you take the Super Zin and the murderbots" I replied, shakily.
"Okay Boss" Johnny said, laughing at the cock-up I had made.

We got to the virus injection and waited on the portals and the alien cars to start flying at us. Taking cover behind a car, I lost myself in the attack and for a moment forgot about the Gat situation. I shot away my anger and beat my troubles into the Zin.

After a frustrating yet oddly satisfying murder spree, I panted and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"Good job boss" Johnny said, giving me a high five. We got back into the car. I was sad that we hadn't to do anything else because I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body and blood coursing through my veins, and I could tell he was the same.

We drove in silence for a little, until Johnny switched the radio on. "Sweet Caroline" just started playing.

"Boss..." He smirked.

"Where it began, I can't begin to knowing, but then I know it's going strong" Johnny sang, imitating Neil Diamond.

As he sang on, I felt a small smile form on my face and I had to hide it was my hand.

"Hands...touching hands...reaching out...touching me...C'mon Boss...TOUCHIN' YOU"

"SWEET CAROLINE, BAH BAH BAH" I sang at the top of my lungs.

We both sang together laughing.

We sang the entire song, laughing and fucking up the words. It was just like old times.

I was getting ready to sing the last chorus until Gat pulled over into a back alley.

"Why did you pull ov-" but before I could finish my sentence Johnny grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I said, pulling away my lips from his.
"Um, I'm kissing you?" He said, his cheeks flushing slightly.
"Ah okay" I said, returning to his lips, not wanting to question and ruin the moment.

We kissed like we were a teenage couple - sloppily making out with him grabbing onto hair and pulling my face in to kiss me deeper. I moved my hands from his chest to his back to his muscular arms, pulling him closer to me.

"GUYS! I CAN SEE YOU DOING THAT" Kinzie spoke up.

We pulled away, looked at each other for a moment and laughed like hell. We went back to our regular positions in the car, still giggling slightly.

"Try and get back to the ship without getting her pregnant Johnny" Kinzie sighed.

"You got it sugar" he said back with a smirk.

I had the biggest smile on my face, and I looked out the window to hide it from Johnny. We didn't say anything to each other for majority of the car ride, but it was nice silence. I snuck a few looks at him whilst he was driving, mesmerised by my wonderful best friend.

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