Chapter Fifteen - Shake It Off

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I fell asleep not long after I got into bed. Everyday I felt myself become a worse and worse leader to the remainder of my crew. They had all become dependant on each other and lost their faith in me.

I felt almost embarrassed that my feelings for Johnny had become so public. Everyone knew about it and saw my weakness.

I shook the feeling that everyone was judging me and got up out of bed, getting dressed into a spacesuit and putting my hair into a high ponytail. I had plans to try get rid of these depressing feelings.

My first stop was to see Matt. I walked down the stairs to see him drooling fast asleep on the couch. I jumped down from the end of the stairs, my boots making a clanging sound against the metal floor, causing Matt to spring up in panic.

"Boss!" he groaned, wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth.

"Matty I need your help. I have a plan".

He sat up in a sleepy haze and I perched myself beside him.

"We need to strengthen the armour and security on the ship. We're still some time away from being able to stop Zinyak and for now we need to make sure the Zin can't do as much damage as before if they decide to attack again".

"And how do you want to do it? It's not like we have an abundance of material on the ship" Matt questioned, looking in a hand mirror and fixing his hair.

"Is there not anything we can use?".

I guess there's some scrap metal to patch up the ship, but not enough to strengthen the armour".

Matt and I sat in silence for the next ten minutes - he was tending to his infamous appearance and I was thinking of a way to strengthen the ship, until suddenly, a thought popped into my head.

"Matt, did Kenzie say that the Zin have a ship that is a factory for making and storing weapons and armoury?".

"Yes, but that thing is so heavily guarded. We couldn't get anywhere near it without our ship being blown to pieces".

I sprang up and went to find Kenzie. She was in her usual bean back seat watching over the mini version of Fake Steelport.

"Hello Boss" she said blandly, her fingers typing rapidly at her keyboard.

"Is there any possible chance we could get to the Zin factory ship?".

Kinzie stopped typing and looked at me in suprise. Her glasses had slipped down her nose slightly but she didn't bother pushing them back up.

"Y'know Boss, it's at these moments when I seriously question your sanity and how the hell anyone let you become president".

She sighed and rolled her eyes, pushed up her glasses and continued to work.

"Seriously Kenzie," I continued. "The Zin fucked up our ship with that attack. If they do it again, we are completely fucked. Now, Matt said the scrap metal we have aboard will be alright for repairs, but I want to armour the ship so that if they were to attack we'd have a fighting chance".

Kinzie looked up at me again and bit her lip.

"I'm not too sure Boss. I mean look at their security".

She turned her laptop to show me a the security footage from the factory ship.

"See? Heavily armoured Zin surrounding it then tons of others. It's near to impossible".

I thought for a minute about how we would pull this off - it was the only way to strengthen our chance of survival.

"Johnny and I would be able to get in there. We're the best team on this ship. There must be some access point we could get into or a weak spot we can target on the factory. Have a look into it".

Kinzie nodded and started up her vigorous typing again. I walked away to look for Johnny.

I found him sharpening his knife outside the Rec room.

"Hey Gat" I said walking over to him.

He glanced up at me then returned to his knife.

"Listen, I need you help. I want to strengthen the ship incase of any future Zin attacks. We have enough scrap metal to repair the damage but not enough to actually keep the ship protected. There's a Zin factory ship that produces and stores armour and weapons - it's heavily guarded but I've spoken to Kinzie to see if she can find an access point and we can devise a plan. I think we should give it a shot - out of all of the crew, you and I have the best shot at getting in, getting what we need, and leaving without causing a fuss. You in?"

Gat smiled at me and chuckled.

"What?" I said, laughing slightly.

"Nothing, just hearing you talk like that reminded me of when you were the boss back in Stilwater. You were so confident with you plans and attacks. I miss that".

"Yeah, well, being the president of the United States really takes the murderous gang leader out of you".

We both smiled at each other.

"So are you in?" I asked.

"Of course boss" he replied.


Finally an update 🙈

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