Chapter 18 : What ifs, you ruin my life.

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  • Dedicated to sleepovers with friends. :D

Chapter 18 : What ifs, you ruin my life.

Abby's P.O.V

Yesterday's sleepover was fun. 

No, wait. That's a slight understatement. 

Yesterday's sleepover was awesome.

Yeah, much better. So, when Reece and Matt decided to be the huge badasses they are and crash our slumber, I was secretly jumping with joy. I'll admit, I like Reece's company. Okay, okay. I like Matt's company. Is that too hard to swallow? And, and, plus, not to forget, Lindsay too seemed extremely happy with Reece's company. When Matt asked me to go with him to the party tonight, I was mentally doing the Macarena.

Of course he didn't ask me to go as his date or anything, but I'm no one to turn him down, right? And I was secretly hoping that Liam decides to go out in the afternoon. Otherwise, I will have to 'ditch' him for the party. And I hate being mean to people like him. What? I'm not missing a party with Matt. I should be socially active too, right? 

Just then I get a text from Liam. Please, please, please let me able to go to the party. I sound like an alcohol craving teenager. But please know, but I'm only excited to spend time with my friends. 

'Hey, Nando's at 1:00? - L'

Yes! I jump from my bed and do a fist bump. I will be back in time for the party! Oh thank the lords! And Nandos too. Yum.

'Yeah, sure!! See you there? - A' 

I sent my reply and immediately regretted it. I sound so desperate, ugh. I really hope he doesn't take it the wrong way now. Shit. And that question mark was totally unnecessary. 

'No, no. I'll pick you up at 12:30. Be ready. :) - L'

Hm, okay. I'll anyways clear out the 'misunderstandings' during this 'treat'. I respond with a quick 'yes'. I click on Matt's contact and text him the good news.

'Hey I can come to the party tonight. :) - Abby'

I patiently wait for his reply and jump when I hear the familiar buzz from my phone. Okay, I was kinda sorta eager. 

'Really? That's great!! I'll pick you and Lindsay up at 5:00, okay? - Matt'

Is it just me or does Matt seem a little too excited? Ah, what imagination does to you, I swear.

'Alright. See you. :) - Abby'

I lie down on my bed with a sigh escaping my lips. Yesterday's sleepover made me realise something. Maybe, it's just for a short period of time, but still. Matt's an ideal guy. He's cute, caring, funny and even smart. He respects girls, but isn't that much of a goody-two-shoes either. I mean he crashed our sleepover. Who does that? Only daring badasses.

Okay maybe it was all Reece, but he was still involved, right? Right. He knows how to lighten up the mood, and make people laugh. He doesn't think I'm less than him because I'm a girl. Remember the paint fight at the carnival? Yeah, any other guy would have probably not thrown the paint back at me. But he did. I like that. 

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