Chapter 1

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"LAUREN WAKE UP. YOU'LL BE LATE." My Dad shouted up the stairs.

Slowly opening my eyes after a night of hardly any sleep I looked around at my new room, a room that I felt like I didn't belong in. The problem was we'd only moved in the day before and I hadn't even had time to unpack my bags never mind decorate. It's not like I wasn't used to this feeling though. You see I'm what is known as a military brat. My Dad is a General so we basically get moved around to wherever he's needed. Sometimes we're in one place for nearly a whole year. Other times barely even a month.

"LAUREN GET UP," he called again. The smell of freshly cooked pancakes filling my nostrils from the hall.

"I AM UP. I NEED TO WASH YOU KNOW," I yelled back after entering the bathroom.

20 minutes later I looked somewhat presentable. It seemed like a nice day out so I opted to wear just a t shirt and jeans. With a slick of mascara and my blonde hair brushed out I was ready to face yet another day as the new girl.

"I can't believe you're making me go through this again Dad," I admitted in a huff as I hesitantly trudged down the staircase.

"Come on Lauren, please don't act like this. You know our situation. It can't be helped," he replied putting his uniformed arm around my shoulder as I sat at the kitchen counter.

"I know Dad," I forcefully smiled. It was true with his line of work it couldn't be helped and it beat the alternative. Being stuck in some boarding school somewhere and never seeing him.

Leaving our little house that was in the middle of nowhere my dad drove me to my first day at school. Wanting to make sure I knew the route so I could drive myself there in the future.

"So where exactly are we?" I questioned, suddenly realising I hadn't even asked what town we'd moved to. Maybe he had said and I just wasn't listening.

"We're in Smallville, Kansas," he grinned. Not taking his eyes off the road but trying to sound enthusiastic at the same time.

"Small just about covers it."

"No sarcasm young lady. Look I know this isn't ideal and I know this town isn't exactly New York City but we've just got to do the best with what we've got ok. This is the closest town to the military base where I've been stationed so we had no option."

"I know Dad. I know. I just, I wish I knew how long we were going to be here. By the time I got settled into the last place we were moving again," I responded as we pulled up outside the bustling school.

"I promise we'll be here longer than before," Dad said as I got out of the car, bag and induction letter in hand.

"That's what you said last time," I finished sounding fed up before stepping out of the car and shutting the door behind me.

The first thing I spotted when I faced the entrance to my new educational facility was the amount of people that just turned and stared at me. I mean I was used to experiencing this kind of thing but not on this scale. I guess they weren't used to it happening a lot.

Nervously I made my way through the crowds of students and in to the main hall, my first point of call being to find the office so I could get my schedule and locker assigned.

After what felt like hours and hours of searching I managed to locate it, various sets of eyes burning into me the whole time I was looking.

"Hello," I voiced somewhat impatiently to the silver haired woman sat behind the desk who seemed way too engrossed in her morning newsletter flick through.

"Yes?" She looked up after finally dragging her eyes away from the paper sat on her lap.

"Hi. I'm a new student, Lauren Lake. I was told I had to come here and get my schedule."

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