Chapter 20

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"Are you ok Miss?" Clark answered as soon as he came into the holding room, handcuffs tightly fastened on his wrists. That was a joke.

He was making out like we didn't know each other, like he'd heard the government had some poor defenceless, female reporter in custody and he was just showing general concern. To everyone else that's how it appeared, I however spotted the giveaway signs straight away. He was tensing his jaw, a sign of anger. His eyes were darting over every inch of my body, a sign of concern and his speed in sitting down at the table as close to me as he could get without giving himself away, a sign of wanting to comfort me.

I'm not exaggerating when I say it took every ounce of my will power not to jump right over the desk and pull him into arms. Well, pull him into my arms and then slap him upside the head. He still had time to think this through, to work out a way around this. He should never have given himself up for me.

"I'm ok," I said with a shake, worry starting to consume me.

"Are you sure?"


"You let them handcuff you?" I asked suddenly, hoping that the soldiers watching us wouldn't notice that for a few moments we were just staring at each other.

"It wouldn't be much of a surrender if I resisted," a half smirk making its appearance on Clark's lips. No time for jokes Kent.

"It'll make them feel more secure I guess. They might not need to carry the guns now."

"They had guns around you?" Clark asked, his posture stiffening and his brows furrowing.

"I don't think they were intended to be used on me."

Clark didn't respond to my answer. He just turned his head, stared at the two way mirror and then took the opportunity to voice his unhappiness.

"Dr Emil Hamilton?"

"How did you know I was here?" A voice asked from behind the glass.

"I can see your ID in your breast pocket, along with half a roll of winter green life savers." You go Clark.

"I can also see your squad of soldiers in the next room preparing a tranquiliser gun." What?

"Trust me, you won't be needing it."

"You can't expect us not to take precautions."

"You also won't be needing the rifles you have pointed towards us. Put them down now before it gets out of hand. I don't like the way you have treated Miss Lake."

"We didn't have a choice, Sir." Wow, Doc. Is that the best you could come up with?

"If he was really going to cause trouble, do you think he would have turned up in the first place?" These people were an absolute joke, pointing the weapons at the wrong people. Clark is about to give himself up to god knows who. I might never see him again, our lives might be ruined forever, and all they can focus on is the threat that Clark causes. They're worrying about the wrong guy.

"With all due respect Miss La..."

"Don't with all due respect Miss Lake me. You dragged me away, scared the lady that I was staying with and shoved me into this room. Now you're willing to tranquilise the person who has voluntarily handed himself over in order to save the entire planet. What the hell is wrong with you people?"

"We have legitimate security concerns," the voice of General Swanwick shouted through the speakers.

"Let's put our cards on the table General," Clark cut in, clear that he was fed up and just wanted to get on with things. He stood up with purpose, held his hands up in front of him and pulled his handcuffs apart. They may as well have been made with silly string. My man was showing them whose boss.

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