Chapter 24

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"Who are you?" Bruce asked me, slamming his car door shut and then joining my side as we looked up to the sky.

"Lauren Lake, Da...."

"Daily Planet."

"You've read my work?" I asked, not really paying attention as my eyes stayed glued on the working half of the engine still floating above Metropolis. Let's hope Dr Hamilton and Colonel Hardy remember what they've got to do.

"I have," Bruce confirmed with his breath heavy and brow furrowed. "So are you going to write about this when it's all over?"

"We've got to survive it first."

Before another word could be spoken we both spotted something in the sky. It was the C17, the plane carrying the ship turned bomb. It was being closely followed by another craft....Zod's.

About to say something, terror taking over my body as the city continued to crumble around us, a familiar blue and red flash zoomed overhead, flying at Zod's ship in lightning speed. Clark.

Following his passage as he shot quickly through the sky, my hand immediately went to my mouth as he slammed right into Zod's ship. He'd crashed straight into it.

"NOOOOOO!!!" I screamed, tears already coming to my eyes and dread setting in.

"Wait?" Bruce called out, grabbing my arm as I made to run forward.

"Let me go," I yelled in my struggle. I had to get to Clark. I had to get to him now.

"It's too dangerous. You need to get out of the city." Who does he think he is?

"The person I love most in the world is over there. I'm not leaving without him. Now let me go."

Reluctantly Bruce released his grip, protesting the whole time as people started screaming and running again. Eventually we got parted by the crowd and I didn't give him a second thought. I had to get to where the ship had just crashed. What if Clark was hurt? He can't be hurt.

I was now right in the epicentre, rubble and glass raining down around me as buildings collapsed on every corner. Keeping an eye on what was happening above as I continued forward, I spotted Clark's craft suddenly fly into the world engine, it immediately losing power and then beginning it's failed decent towards the ground. At least something had gone right. The Colonel and Doctor did it. That part was over.

Closing in on where I needed to be I stopped in my tracks when I saw three people I recognised, three people I worked with. They were covered in grey dust, blood and dirt. I thought they would have been out of the city by now.

"Perry? Jenny? Steve?" I called out to my boss and colleagues with a raspy and pained voice.

"Lauren? What are you doing here?" Jenny asked, a timid and scared edge in her words.

"That doesn't matter. You need to get out of the city right now. All three of you do."

"Don't you mean all four of us?" Perry questioned, taking note of exactly what I'd said. I really don't have time for this.

"No...I...I need to carry on. You need to go. Please just go." Why won't people ever listen to me? For once I wish people would just do what I asked them.

There wasn't much time. The engine collapsing to the ground had caused even more destruction. The buildings that had somehow stayed up so far were starting to creak, to rumble. It wasn't over just yet.

"Are you stupid Lake? Do you really think I'm just going to leave you here?" Perry bellowed in anger.

Taking a deep breath, I got as close to Perry as the rubble around us would allow. I wiped my face of any fear and stared directly into his eyes, determination the only thing I let seep through. "You don't have a choice cause I'm not going."

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