Chapter 6

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"Dad I'll be fine. Clark is helping me board up the house right now." I rolled my eyes watching the young Kent from the porch nailing boards over the windows as I held the phone to my ear.

"And you're sure you don't want me to come home?" He asked in concern.

"No Dad just stay where you are, trust me. Clark's parents said I can stay at their house until the storm passes. I'll be ok. They're good people," trying my best to reassure him. Sounds like he does care after all.

"Only if you're certain?"

"I'm a big girl Daddy I can look after myself. Now go back to work," I ordered in a mock military style.

"Yes Maam," Dad laughed trying to put me at ease, saying his final goodbyes and then putting the phone down.

I had no idea how this was all going to pan out but it gave me at least some reassurance that Dad was out of the way, one less person to worry about.

After putting the phone back in the house I grabbed Clark and I a drink from the kitchen and we took a seat on the porch steps, both of us silent and just looking out at the sky for any signs on darkness in the distance.

"Thanks for doing this for me. I wouldn't have the first idea," I smiled nervously really not knowing what to expect from the natural phenomena that was due to hit town in just 72 hours.

"Lauren it's gonna be fine. I wouldn't let you go through this on your own. You know that," Clark smiled, tilting his head so he could clearly see my face and putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I know. I'm glad I have you Clark. There's no way I could board up the house and I'd probably have a freak out if I had to go through this alone. Believe it or not after all my travelling I have not once come across a Tornado."

"You probably shouldn't have moved to Kansas then. We get them all the time. More often than not they come out of the blue but aren't that big. This one must be pretty huge though if it's been detected this far in advance. It will have time to build up," Clark thought aloud.

"Probably not the best way to ease my anxiety Clark," I responded with a nervous laugh, getting to my feet and beginning an anxious pace in front of my vulnerable little house.

"Lauren you have nothing to worry about. We're still going to the fundraiser tomorrow. We'll be back by the evening and then we'll go straight to the farm and ride it out there, together. I've been through hundreds of twisters. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, ok?" Clark voiced back with absolution, raising from his own pew on the porch and standing directly in front of me so I couldn't move.

Looking into his eyes as he said that I'd never felt safer, not in all my life. The way he stared right at me, with a confident stance I knew every word he spoke was true. He wasn't going to let anything happen to me and finally I felt some kind of relief.

"Ok," I sighed looking up at his face with a smirk.

Just as I was about to say something else the mailman arrived. Were they seriously making him work when all this was going on? Geez give the poor guy a break.

I took the letters from him and walked alongside Clark back inside the house, Clark taking a seat in front of the TV, drink in hand when he saw a football game had just started.

Shuffling through the mail I stopped on the one that stood out. I knew what it was straight away. Application forms so I could apply to community college. With all my moving around I'd missed all the deadlines to get into a major university. I'd just have to deal with it until I could apply to my dream school Met U next year.

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