Chapter Ten| Crazy About You

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[Dylan talking] *next day*
I woke up usually at 6:00a.m. I got changed into my red shirt with my blue jeans and my red shoes. I went downstairs and I notice Milo was outside. I checked to see what was wrong with him. He was crying, I ran and hugged him. "What's wrong, Milo? You don't seem happy today." I asked him. He sniffled and goes, "I was just a little mad yesterday." I glared at him and go, "What happened?" He licked his lip and gazed at me. I wiped off his tears as he says, "I was at the church and Jorge and Ted told me to stay away from you. They told me that Zach you are weak like you used to be. I told them you changed." He was so angry and depressed. I comfort him for a little bit, talking to him.
He was crying for a little and I hugged him. "Milo, don't listen to them or Zach, they just don't want you to have no love interest. I am your love interest and they aren't going to do nothing about it, it's your decision not theirs." I told him, touching his hair. "Dylan, can I tell you something?" He says, glaring at me. "Of course, tell me." I respond. "I think I'm crazy about you. I mean, ever since I met you, my whole life was changed. You were the only one who unlocked my heart, I loved you. I always thought you were all mine, and now I look at it right now, you already are. I love you so much, Dylan." He exclaimed. I was surprised of what he said. I was about to cry because, he really meant it.
I started to blush and go, "I love you too, Milo. It's funny how I'm crazy for you too." Milo blushed and kissed my cheek. "You really are?" He said, in surprise. "Yes, Milo. I'm always going to love you, and only you." I said, kissing his cheek. "Me too." He replies. I went back to my house and did what I had to do. I smiled and looked at the window to see Milo okay now. "Milo is the cutest thing, isn't he?" I said to myself, looking at the window. I bit my lip and waved at him. Mom came down the stairs, all ill. "Mom, are you okay?" I asked. "No, sweetie, I'm just sick that's all." She says. "Okay, just go lay down, hope you feel better." I told her. "Thank you, doll. I will." She responds.
I started to get butterflies in my stomach because, I always feel that Milo is the only one who makes me happier than ever. "Ready Dylan?" I heard Deputy. "Yeah, I'm ready." I told him. I had my backpack and I kissed Mommy. When we took off, all I could think about is Milo. I just start to blush every time I see or feel him. Milo is the one I'm always crazy about.
When Deputy dropped me off, I smiled at him, "Bye." He did the sane thing. I saw Brandon and Alyssa hugging me with so much joy. "So glad you're here Dylan. The bell is going to ring any minute now," Brandon says. "So what did you get on your progress report?" Cammie asks. "Straight A's." I told her. "Really? Me too!" Cammie responds. "Same." Jason said. Everyone said the same thing. The bell rang, my friends and I start to walk up the steps. As I walked up to the steps, I could still think of Milo.
Hey guys, hope you enjoy💞
Omg I couldn't believe Milo's Girl hit 1.23K reads😍🙌🏼
Shoutout to my #TeamMylanSquad Awk-Fangirl & darklxve also certified_ari_spy for much ❤️
Hope y'all enjoy this and the book💘
Bye loves💚

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