Chapter Sixteen| It's Payback Time

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[Milo talking]
I remembered when I was alone while the others were just hanging out with each other after the punishment. I didn't want to talk or listen to them, I rather be in my own box. "Why aren't you with us?" Michael asked me, confused. I didn't say a word and just walked away. I knew it was very disrespectful to do, but I had to. Michael, spoke up, "Stop being so disrespectful to us. We may did something horrible, but, that doesn't mean we really mean it." I glared at him, dreadfully. "You did mean it! Don't lie Michael, you all meant to hurt me, didn't you?!" I respond. "We didn't meant it, Milo, cut it out with the nonsense." Michael's voice was demonically spooky. "Look, if you let one of us be honest with you, we will tell you. You just don't want to listen to us— we are just trying to—," Michael couldn't find the words.
I looked at him and said, "What do you want to tell me?" Michael began to calm down and spoke softly, "Okay, what I'm trying to say is: that we are sorry. We just beat you up because, I don't know, you disgraced us and lied to us everytime you want to see Dylan. For the most part, we just don't want you to get hurt by our boss and Zach." I looked at him, "Trust me, you won't lose me, Michael." I then, heard Danny. "Hey, boys. What are you guys doing?" He asked. "I was telling Milo the truth, Danny. About the beating, I told him that we were sick and tired of him lying and stuff." Michael respond, looking at him. "Well, Michael, I believe you did the right thing." He said, smiling.
Then, this happened. Zach kissed Emma in front of Dylan. It was pretty surprising to me. "I don't like gay people babe, just you." Emma exclaimed looking at Dylan with a smirk on her face just to keep him depressed. "Emma, what's wrong with you?" Carlos said to her. "Just showing Dylan that all gays go to hell." Emma replies with attitude.
I slowly grabbed her by the arm hard and whispered, "Don't you ever be an embarrassment again, you hear?" Emma just gave me attitude, so I slapped her. Everyone was shocked. Some just laughed. Then, she walked away with attitude.
I saw Dylan sobbing in pain. I couldn't help staring at him. "Grow up, Dylan. You are 12-years-old and I think you shouldn't act like a girl." Zach told him. "There is so much pain, you know? I am just myself. I want to love Milo, I can't love a girl. I am not ready." Dylan said as he spoke up. I looked at Zach and just rolled his eyes. "You disgust me, Dylan, you really do. I wish you were never born." Zach exclaimed. From those words, Dylan's heart shattered into little pieces and ran to his room.
I realized Aaliyah was really disappointed, as well as Michael. "That's not right, you shouldn't treat Dylan like that." Aaliyah told him. Zach gazed at her with disgust, then goes, "Shut up, Aaliyah. That's not your brother." Aaliyah kept going, "Well, I don't care. You can't treat your brother like that, it's so disrespectful and despicable of all things you said to him. You should be ashamed of yourself."
Zach gave her attitude. I was so mad, to the point I wanted to punch him. Even strangle him. I couldn't believe he could just talk to her like that; she been through so much already. So, I came and punched him. "Don't you ever talk to her like that! She has been through so much and you think it's okay?! I've had enough with your attitude." I said, very disappointed.
At that point, he rolled his eyes at me and just crossed his arms. Everyone was so surprised the way I talked to him. I didn't care, he has to respect. He then looked at Michael and goes, "Aren't you going to do anything?!" Michael looked at him and just left.
Zach pulled him back, "Wait. Are you going to walk away like a scary cat you are as a leader?! No wonder why your life was horrible." What he just said made Michael feel offended. Michael looked at him, "I'll tell you why I won't say anything," he says, it's because of you. You want to be the boss of us which it doesn't work that way. I am the leader and He can decide whether you like it or not. Besides, Milo is my best friend, I can't hurt him."
Zach was just disgusted and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I just want to kill my own brother." I looked at him without hesitation, just feeling the anger inside me. It almost felt like anxiety. This made me want to kill him in a way. I was so scared of being treated the same way I was when I was alive. So much depression and anxiety I had. I was always bullied. I was just scared. Scared of my dreadful past has reenact to my dead life.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter❤️
This is so depressing but cute😭💗
Thank you for 2K reads loves❣️
Bye loves, have a great Thursday😁💚

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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