Chapter Thirteen| I'm Here for You

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[Dyan talking]
The next morning was pretty quiet, as usual. I was looking at my phone and saw it was Monday, September, 5. I shut off my phone and went back to sleep. I somehow started to have a nightmare. I wanted to scream, but, I can't. I could remember my dream. It was like dark, cold place with blood everywhere, I could remember myself all pale. I felt numb. Little did I know, I was being beat up by Zach. I could remember that, it scared me. But, it became more violent then, I expected.
He beat me up until blood was everywhere on my body. I wanted to cry. I could remember, screaming for help in my dream. Nobody responds. Even Mom didn't saw me from the window. I wanted to cry. I wanted to do something but I couldn't. I could also remember that Zach beat me up until my ear was bleeding. "Zach, stop hurting me!" I told him.
Zach beat me up and I could remember what he said to me, pulling my hair, he goes, "Say you're weak, say that you were a mistake." But somehow my dreamed stopped. A cold pair of lips were connected to mine. These lips tasted familiar, I just kissed back. I knew Milo would kiss me. I remembered he did that once. I then, touched his lip. He bit my lip and broke that kiss.
I opened my eyes and he was there. "Milo, what are you doing here?" I whispered. Before he can answer, I saw black and blue on his arms and was all beat up. "What happened to you Milo?!" I asked, worried. He then, starts to shriek.
I ruffled his hair, and go, "Sit on my bed, I'll take care of you." he obeyed me and sat on my bed. I couldn't believe Milo was beaten up. He looked like he was going to cry, I pat his hand and helped him sit on my bed. "I'll be right back, Milo. I'm going to take care of you, I promise." I told him softly, kissing his cheek. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth, a bowl of water, and an arm bandage.
I then, walked back into my room. Milo didn't talk or anything, I was pretty nervous. I closed my door and then, start to take care of Milo. I put the cloth in the water and squeezed it, I gently rubbed it around his face. "Ow!" Milo wined in pain. "What's wrong Milo?" I asked. "It's not you, sweetheart, it just hurts so much." He told me. "I'm sorry." I exclaimed. "Don't be sorry, Dylan. You're doing great being gentle, with me." He replied, touching my cheek. "I will always be gentle with you, Milo. Just like you are gentle with me." I said, connecting my hand to his on my cheek, smiling. He kisses my cheek. Then, he let go. "So, how did this happen to you, Milo?" I asked.
Milo was walking back to the church and Aaliyah, Michael, and Carlos were chipped and cracked leading their skins really pale. "Where were you, Milo?" Aaliyah asked, crossing her arms. "I was with Dylan." Milo told them. "Oh, great, you were with Dylan, again! That's tragic." Carlos said, getting angry. "Why should it matter to you, Carlos? This isn't your business." Milo yelled at him. "Hey, you don't talk to Carlos like that." Michael told him. "Okay, I'm sorry Carlos for talking back to you." Milo sighs, looking at Carlos.
Carlos wasn't as satisfied. He wasn't sure to forgive Milo, for disrespecting him. "What's with you Milo?" Carlos asked, as he crossed his arms. "Nothing is up with me." Milo told Carlos. Carlos knew he was lying. Milo was about to walk away but, Michael blocked his way. "You're lying to us. There is something up with you, Milo." Michael told him, with a straight face, smirking a bit. "What is exactly up with you, Milo?" Michael asked again, as Carlos and Aaliyah were standing between him.
Milo didn't know what to say, he obviously knew he can't get away with it. "We can do this all day Milo, if that's what you want." Aaliyah said. She even crossed her arms. "Fine, okay, I'll tell you." Milo said. "Good, and no lies." Carlos told him. "I'm in love with Dylan, I'm sorry." Milo admitted. Carlos, Michael, and Aaliyah started looking at each other, then, started laughing. Milo felt numb, he couldn't say anything. He was paralyzed.
"Did you say that you are in love with Dylan?" Michael asked, after stopped laughing with Carlos and Aaliyah. Milo gulped, he knew he could be in trouble but, it was worth it. "Yes, I am in love with Dylan." Milo replies. The 3 of them were shocked. "But, Milo, why? You know you can't fall in love with him." Aaliyah asked, as she was shocked. Milo was tired of it, "I'm in love with Dylan, Aaliyah. He loves me back and I am happy. It's not the same without him. You guys won't let me do anything to love Dylan." Milo almost gave attitude to her.
Aaliyah looked at him, with a fierce glimpse on her face. "We don't trust Dylan, at all. He's too weak for you Milo. You need a person who really wants you, needs you. You can't have Dylan. Like, seriously? He's sensitive and is just like his mother, Courtney." Michael said. Milo was angry, and says, "He's not weak, Michael! He's the one that I want and always wanted. Dylan is that person, who has true feelings for me. You may think he's like Courtney but, listen, you don't realize how sweet he is; Dylan has a true heart, not like you ever did." Milo replies, with anger a bit.
Carlos slapped him. He was getting chipped and chapped. "Stop giving us attitude, Milo. I can't believe you love Dylan so much, it's stupid." He says. "I don't care Carlos, I love Dylan and you can't make my decisions I make them. You guys aren't my parents and can't tell me what to do." Milo said, yelling. Michael, Carlos, and Aaliyah were surprised but didn't like what Milo said to them. "Wanna say that louder, Milo?!" Jorge's voice speaking up. "Jorge, what are you doing?" Milo asked. "Well, what the heck are you doing with Dylan? Didn't we tell you Dylan isn't good for you?" Jorge asked, being a little sassy.
Milo crossed his arms and said, "You know what Jorge? How about you leave me alone?" Jorge's face turned pale and cracked. He was getting angry. "Hey, stop talking like that to my brother! You can't tell him what to do." Aaliyah told Milo, as her face was chipped and cracked. Michael and Carlos's face were the same. Aaliyah went up to Milo, and she grabbed his arm. "Aaliyah?!" Milo said. Carlos and Michael helped her as Jorge walked on his own towards the others.
Shelby and the other ghost children saw Jorge and comfort him. "Jorge are you okay?" Catherine asked him. "No, I got hit." He told her. "Who hit you?" Ted asked. "Milo." He replies. Then, they saw Milo begged to stop. "Listen up! We are His children. We obey, don't we?" Michael asked the children. "Yes, we do." They all said. "What's wrong?" Sophie asked. Aaliyah took the stand. "For the first time, somebody has obeyed our order. Haven't you, Milo?" Aaliyah then, glares at Milo. "What did he do?" Peter asked, shockingly. Milo started to turn pale. "He saw Dylan, even though we didn't want him to see him. Now, that's the sign of aggression, he should be punished. Big time." Aaliyah responds. Everyone was shocked, and was pale.
Everyone glared at Milo. "What should we do to Milo?" Peter asked. "Beat him. That's what he deserves." Jorge suggested. "Abuse him?" Catherine asked. "Yes, he has to be beaten." Emma said. "It's the only way to teach him a lesson." Ted adds. Everyone grabbed Milo and beat him up. People threw him and bit him. Milo felt numb. But, it wasn't fair.
Milo, then, screaming for help but, Zach smirked and just stood there. Milo started to cry and get black and blue marks. He was scared and nervous. His hands were bloody also, crying too. "Guys, please stop!" Milo yelled as he shrieked. Everyone ignored him and he was crying and everyone walked away from him.
He heard Danny, "Milo, it's okay, Im here." Milo was scared at first. "Please don't hurt me, Danny. I'm begging you." Milo exclaims, sobbing. "Milo, I'm not going to hurt you. What's wrong?" Danny replies. Before Milo could speak, Danny saw him bleeding and bruised up. "Danny, the ghost children beaten me up. Because, I loved Dylan." Milo says as he started to shred with tears. Danny said, "It's okay, Milo. I'm gonna make sure they'll pay." Milo hugs him then, walks away.

End of flashback.
I was shocked of what happened to him. "They hate me, huh?" I asked, as I gently rubbed the cloth on his abs. "Not all of them hate you." Milo informed. "Who doesn't hate me?" I questioned. "Aaliyah, doesn't hate you. She never did." Milo replies. "How's it possible that she doesn't hate me?" I asked, again. "Here's the thing, Aaliyah isn't always as hateful as the rest of us along with Carlos too. She thought that you needed help when you started having nightmares, she was the first one to realize something that none of the others wouldn't expect. She really cares about you." Milo exclaims. I smiled, then, go, "I care about her, too. But is she against me?" I claimed. "She don't take orders from Zach. But, they always tell her to do what Zach says but, she can't because, she doesn't like hurting you.
"People can't understand her too, it's like Carlos and Jorge. They know how much she cares about you, but, I guess people won't understand her." Milo says, softly as he frowned. I knew he was about to cry, but, I looked at him. "Hey, I'm here for you, don't forget that. Don't let anyone bring you down. You are the perfect one for me, Dylan." I smiled and blushed. "I'm here for you, Milo. Whenever you need me, you know I'm there." I respond.
Hey loves, i'm back😈❤️!!!!
I'm sorry I haven't updated it, idk why it took me so long but i'm alive ❤️
Tysm for all the support, ilysm😍💖!!
Dedicated to my mylan squad (Awk-Fangirl & darklxve )
Bye loves🤗 hope you all enjoy!!

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