Young Sam Drake

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(A/N Just forget about Megan being twenty years younger than Sam and being the granddaughter of Sully. For this imagine, she's about the same age as young Sam and the granddaughter of someone else. Okie, tenks, daz it.)

After graduating from high school, my parents threw me out to my grandmother's house. Since I graduated out of high school, there's usually nothing for me to do than stay at home and read. But I thought that I could use my time by working as a barista in a small coffee shop. Doesn't pay much, but it's all I've got for the mean time.

As I am serving drinks onto the bar, a cute guy about my age is leaning on the counter giving me a smirk. I smile at him as I serve an order.

"Espresso on the bar!" I yell. Someone raises from their seat and grab their drink, thanking me before leaving.

"You have a loud voice." The cute guy remarks.

"And you have a huge ego." I remark back. Hopefully that teaches him not to comment on a girl like that.

"Alright, I'm sorry. But I couldn't help but talk to you." He says. I turn around to make another drink.

"Hey, Meg?" One of my male co-workers, Greg, grabs my attention.

"Yeah?" I ask, turning off the machine and placing another drink at the counter.

"Tell the boss I'll be out early today. You know why, remember?"

I smile at his stupid excuse. All he wants is to watch the Game of Thrones episode, but as a sad excuse he wasn't feeling well today. Plus his aunt "died" so he has to attend the funeral.

"Of course."

"Thanks, doll." He brushes his hand on my waist and kisses my cheek before leaving. We're not together, but he does have a slight crush on me. Albeit, he's not really my type, but I like the flirts we have.

I look at the cute guy and he stares right back at me with a hurtful look on his face. I chuckle at his reaction. "Don't worry, he's not my boyfriend."

"Had me worried there. I thought I would have a competition." He says and then sighs in relief. I blush at the thought of it. Wouldn't it be cute if a complete stranger and my close friend fought over me? This would be the real life Twilight.

I laugh at the thought.

"Does he make you laugh like that?" He asks, looking at me with a smug look on his face.

"Sometimes..." I confess. Greg is not the funniest guy in the world, but he has his moments where I laugh my ass off whenever he talks. Judging from this cute guy in front of me, he seems to be the type of person I look for in a guy.

"Trust me, when you're with me, we'll be laughing everyday." He says, still having that smug smile on his face.

I giggle.

"So, Meg, what brings your looks here?" I have been flirted with in the past, but they do not seem to charm me as much as him. I haven't noticed that I was smiling until he pointed it out.

"Well... I'm just here. My grandmother is ill, so my parents brought me here to take care of her." I stretch out the truth while wiping a mug and then going onto the next one.

"Hope she gets better."


"Hey, you know, I'm getting ill myself. You think you can take care of me?"

I join in the role-playing by placing a hand on his forehead. "You seem fine to me, uh..."


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