Chapter 1

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Author Note: this is my own ideas so no one nick them.

Damon-(smlies at his little sister)you look amazing little sis

Abagail-(looks at her brother in the mirror and smiles)thanks bro

Stefan-(walks in and looks at them)right come on lets get tonight over with

Abagail-(walks over to them)oh come on stefan its just a ball

Stefan-(looks at her)you look beautiful sis

Abagail-thanks stefan so lets get a move on before we miss it

they all go to the mikaelson minor

Elena-(talking to elijah)i have no idea on why she isnt here

Elijah-she better get here my brother is not a impaitent man

Elena-(looks over elijah shoulders and sees Abagail in the middle between

Damon and Stefan)shes here

Elijah-(turns around and looks at damon,stefan and abagail)she looks beautiful my brother is a lucky guy

Elena-yes he is

Elena walks over to them leaving elijah to walk up the stairs to speak with his family beside him

Elijah-(looking at everyone)can i have everyones attention please

everyones looks at him expect for his brothers and sister

Elijah-good evening hope your having a wonderful time you know whenever my mother brings this family together it should always be started with a dance so will everyone find yourself a parnter and join us in the ball room

Elijah,kol,rebekah,klaus and finn starts walking down the stairs

Abagail-(looking at stefan who is looking at damon who is asking elena to dance with him and is about to walk over to him when someone taps her on the shoulder)

???-you look amazing darling

Abagail-(looks at ???)why thank you Kol and you look very handsome like you always do

Kol-(whispers in her ears)why dont we go to my bedroom so i can rip that pretty dress off of you

Abagail-or we could go into the ball room and dance because i really want to

Kol-fine but your mine after this is all over you hear me darling

Abagail-i hear you mr mikaelson

they walk into the ball room and stand behide damon and elena the start dancing slow to kiss you by edsheren

with damon and elena

Damon-you look beautiful by the way

Elena-thank you and you look handsome

with Kol and Abagail

Kol-(has one hand around her waist and the other in her hand)i dont wanna let you go

Abagail-aw dont worry after the dance is over i will be back in your arms if my brothers dont drag me away like they always do

Kol-cant wait and why do they drag you away

Abagail-one word Elena

Kol-(knows the spin is coming up)tell me later bye darling see you soon

Abagail-bye kol

kol spins her to dance with someone else as it was part of the dance and abagail is now dancing with Matt and kol is dancing with his sister Rebekah

An Abagail Salvatore Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now