Chapter 25:Time jump.

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AN:This chapter is when Selena is 5 years old nothing happened up to then anyways hope you guys enjoy.

Word Count:2315

Selena POV:

I woke up in my bedroom that my dad and uncles did for me, today was my birthday and i am turning 6 i can't wait my mum is throwing me a party and i know what your thinking do i know about my family being vampires yes i do know and i'm half vampire half human which means i can drink blood and eat normal food but as along as i have a blood bag or a bottle of blood but pretend its juice then i will be fine, anyways i have to go time for school well i don't go to school i hang up with my uncle Damon and uncle Stefan since they are my favorite Uncles i don't really talk to my father siblings as well i don't know why my father says that they are just busy but i see my Aunt Rebekah and my Uncle Elijah the rest i don't, i walked down the stairs and saw my mother, Father and my two favorite uncles in the kitchen sitting at the dinning table eating and talking, i walked in and sat down next to my uncle Stefan as he smiled at me, i looked at my plate as it was filled with all the food i liked when i was a baby girl and i saw that my drink was blood and yeah i drink blood when i'm only 5 years old, sorry 6 years old but i have to or else my vampire side will come out and that's not good.

"Honey your father siblings are coming over for your birthday party and i mean all of them are including your grandparents"My mother said to me smiling 

"Okay it would be great to see them since they don't bother coming round to see me"I replied back to her smiling 

"Sweetheart my siblings are busy i mean your uncle Klaus fiance Maia is pregnant, uncle Finn and Aunty Freya are busy still trying to find their soulmates and remember your grandparents are coming to see you"My father said 

"What about Aunty Rebekah and Uncle Elijah will they be coming"I asked my mother and father 

"Of course they will be honey now let's go and get you ready so we can go and see Elena and the girls"My mother said as i smiled and ran out of the kitchen since i was finished with my breakfast.

Abagail POV:

"She grows up so fast sis"My brother Damon said to me 

"Yep she does right well party starts at 3 so you guys get this house in shape for it while i take Selena to Elena house so we can get ready there see you guys soon"I said standing up

Before i left to get ready i kissed Kol on the lips then made my way to the front door since i was already dressed, i stood at the front door when i saw Selena coming down the stairs, she was wearing the outfit Kol had laid out for her.

AN:Outfit at top it's Selena outfit.

"Wait Mommy i have to give Daddy a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye"Selena said to me 

I smiled and pointed to behind her as Kol, Damon and Stefan were behind her smiling at her as Selena ran up to her daddy, Kol picked her up and kissed her cheek as Selena did the same back to him then she kissed her uncles Damon and Stefan on the cheeks then jumped out of Stefan arms and ran over to me taking my hand in hers

"You behave for your mommy and your aunts you hear me little one"Damon said to his niece

"Yes Uncle Day i will you can count on it"Selena replied back to him 

We walked out and got to my car as i opened Selena side of the door as she got in and put her seat belt on herself, i closed her door and got into the driver seat and buckled myself in before started the car and driving away from the boarding house and to Elena's house where the girls were.

An Abagail Salvatore Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang