Chapter 27

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Word Count:2693

Kol POV:

I woke up in bed alone, where was Abagail and why wasn't she in bed with me i wanted to her lips on mine and i knew that she thought that i had forgotten all about the water fight and how i won it but i haven't i remembered it i just waited till we were alone but last night she slept in with Stefan her brother room, i got up and got changed into my day outfit.

Kol outfit at the top.

Once i was changed i waked out of mine and Abagail bedroom and down the stairs but stopped halfway when i heard voices and i knew all of them since there were my wife's, Sisters and brothers, there were all standing in the living room talking about the bet that we had at the beach and the fact that i won and she had to do what i tell her to do.

"I need you guys to take Selena out of town take her anywhere oh and my brothers and Elena and Caroline are coming as well Selena wants them to come just bring her back the day after tomorrow"Abagail said to my siblings 

"Yeah sure we will Abs we love taken care of our niece"Elijah replied back to her smiling 

I saw that Klaus turned and looked at me with a smirk on his face he knew i was listening well why isn't he saying anything, but before i could do anything

"Good morning Brother"Klaus said to me as he turned and looked at me 

I pretend that i had been walking down the stairs as i reached the bottom step, Abagail walked over to me and kissed me on the lips yes i got my good morning kiss from her, she pulled away before i could kiss back aw she is no fun.

"Morning my sexy, gorgeous and handsome husband"Abagail said 

"Morning my hot, fit and attractive wife"I replied back to her 

We walked over to were my family stood as Klaus was still smirking at me serious brother stop smirking, i sat down on the couch as Abagail sat on my lap i placed my arms around her waist as she snuggled closer to me.

"Daddy"I heard a 6 year old shouts at the top of her lungs 

 I looked to my left and saw Selena running towards me and Abagail smiling, she stopped in front of Abagail staring at her

"Mommy move you have had enough of daddy attention it's my turn"Selena said 

Abagail POV:

Wow never though i hear the day that my daughter tells me to get off of my husband lap i swear she is getting more like her father every day with a hint of Elijah since she has moral respect for privacy and that stuff, so i got off of Kol's lap as she jumped in to his lap cuddling her father as he hugged her back smiling.

5 Hours Later

It was time for Selena, Kol's siblings, My siblings, Caroline and Elena to leave for their trip to god knows where they were going, i had already packed Selena bag for her we were all now at the cars and Damon was bring his for him, Stefan, Elena and Caroline. Rebekah brought hers for her, Freya and Selena then that leaves Elijah with his brothers minus Kol who was staying back with me, and Klaus who was sitting in with his sisters to keep Selena entertain i just hope he had still forgotten about the beach bet.

"Bye sweetheart have fun with your aunts and uncles okay and make sure to take pictures for mommy and daddy okay i love you"I said to Selena as she smiled and hugged me

"I love you too mommy and i will"Selena replied as she pulled away from me and went over to Kol who was standing behind me 

"Bye daddy love you"Selena said 

An Abagail Salvatore Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora