Chapter 6

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The Next Morning

With Kol and Abagail in her room 

Kol-(wakes up but doesn't remove his arms from his fiancee)wakey wakey darling 

Abagail-(wakes up but stays in Kol's chest and arms)Morning Kol sleep well 

Kol-(smiles)Good morning to you too darling and yes i slept really well how about you

Abagail-(smiles)i slept really well as well but i am hungry and so is our baby 

Kol-(gets off the bed and picks her up bride style and vamps speed into the Salvatore kitchen where everyone is and sitting down at a very long dining table)Morning everyone


Abagail-(looks at Kol)can you put me down now i have legs you know

Kol-(puts her down)there happy darling

Abagail-(walks over to where Stefan is sitting and sits beside him while Kol sits across from her but in the middle of Rebekah and Klaus)who put food on my plate

Elijah-(put his hand up)i did can't have my sister in law and niece or nephew go hungry can i 

Abagail-(smiles at Elijah)thank you Elijah how very kind of you 

Elijah-(smiles back at her)your welcome my dear

they all sat there and ate their food and chatted about stuff that is happening in Mystic Falls like the werewolf's going after Caroline, and how Damon was nearly killed by Mason Lockwood

Abagail-can i go and kill him 

Damon, Stefan,Caroline,Elena,Bonnie,Jeremy,Matt and Tyler-No 

Abagail-well then can i at least torture him for torture my brother Damon here please 

Tyler-Abs your forgetting he is my uncle right 

Abagail-so Tyler he tried to kill Damon so i'm sorry but he doesn't deserve to live well he can live but i will torture him 

Tyler-you know what knock your self out just make sure that i'm there cause he did send the wolfs after Caroline so i'm in

Damon-whoa hold up no one is torturing Mason Lockwood


Damon-not without me your not 

Abagail, Tyler-yes 

Klaus-to torture Mason Lockwood you will need wolfs bane and i so happen to have a lot of it at my house, i could go and get it 

Damon-yeah so we agree torturing Mason Lockwood is going to go ahead since he is a threat to this family 

They all agreed  Expect for Bonnie,Elena,Matt, Jeremy and Kol but he didn't like the fact that Abagail was putting her life and the baby life on the line here torturing Mason Lockwood could make her feel bad and regret doing it in the first place

Kol-wait a minute abs are you sure you want to do this i know he sent the wolf after Caroline and tortured your brother but what good will it do 

Bonnie-he has a point abs it isn't gonna change the fact that he did all of that and you will feel nothing just like killing him will make you feel like nothing

Elena-i'm with Bonnie on this one guys 

Jeremy-Me to 

Matt-Me three

Kol-Me four sorry you guys but i don't like the fact that my fiancee and kid are going to torture someone who yeah deserve it but it would be for nothing

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